I built a price index for marijuana with my friend. Feedback?

Hi guys,

I'm working on a price index for marijuana with my bud. We launched it a couple weeks ago and its gotten a pretty good response, with 600+ entries so far. It looks to be fairly accurate. Its kind of crazy to see the prices people are paying in the midwest (compared to our canadian prices).

We also added a google maps mashup to visualize the data so you can see price ranges from state to state. We'll probably do some articles/blog posts for some interesting topics, ie. price of weed in conservative states / liberal, etc.

Anyone have ideas or feedback? You can participate by submitting data anonymously here as well: http://www.priceofweed.com


Johnny Retro

Well-Known Member
you might wana edit out obvious frauds.
Like i just read one that in bayside california a ounce cost 1$... thatll screw up your averages


Active Member
Thats a good suggestion about adjusting the index. Write a formual that excludes the min/max of 5% or just publish the mean. I'm sure you can figure it out. Good idea, I like it.


Active Member
Yeah WAY wrong try like $20. TOP TOP shelf stuff is only $400 an oz :bigjoint:
There is no credibililty in two responses. Two people put in wrong prices. Let a few thousand people rate for each state and I bet it will come out about right.


Well-Known Member
I like the idea of the index. It shows an average here of $380 an oz for high. I pay $350 when I gotta, but by time you average the other bag sizes in, it's accurate enough. I love it.


Well-Known Member
I think its a great idea but you are gonna need hundreds if not more of prices to show a true medium of price. and definately find a way to block the idiots who are trying to screw it up with obviously bogus prices


Well-Known Member
feedback suggestion, set it up so pics can be added

Hi guys,

I'm working on a price index for marijuana with my bud. We launched it a couple weeks ago and its gotten a pretty good response, with 600+ entries so far. It looks to be fairly accurate. Its kind of crazy to see the prices people are paying in the midwest (compared to our canadian prices).

We also added a google maps mashup to visualize the data so you can see price ranges from state to state. We'll probably do some articles/blog posts for some interesting topics, ie. price of weed in conservative states / liberal, etc.

Anyone have ideas or feedback? You can participate by submitting data anonymously here as well: http://www.priceofweed.com



Well-Known Member
yer dude, great idea !

contributed too.. 250 - 300 here an ounce.. price usually doesn't fluctuate. but quality does..

Mel O'Cheddar

Active Member
Awesome idea. Just try and get a median/ mean price, throw out the 2 or 3 highest & lowest prices. I'm all over this shit. +rep!