I bought a baby on CL last night

don't listen to them clayton, if you need someone to talk to whos acually done this buying baby thing to , come talk to me
Fuck this. Kids are work. I had to hide it from my wife last night by putting it in the closet under some blankets to muffle the sound. The mother started sending pretty threatening emails about some dudes named Spider and Joker coming over to get him. I didn't want to take any chances so I went downtown and found a nice new Mercedes and smashed the window, put the baby in the back seat and started making a scene about a baby left in a car. As a crowd gathered to look in and scoff, I slowly made my way to the back of the crowd and eased on down the road. I hope it was a lawyer's car.
The little ones do best when u let em bake in hot cars while u shop at the mall. They sleep right through it.

there was a man around here who got arrested for child abuse for leaving his two children in the car in 30c heat... personally why didnt they just have a nice ice cold coca cola or some heroin to lower that blood pressure...

noob parents