i bet my politician is dumber than your politician...

so, considering we take pics of everything, show me all your picture proof that everyone who thinks differently to you politically is a 100% foreign agent? When you can show me picture proof of 160 million foreign agents, i'll show you my proof lol. The thing is, you don't owe me any proof, and you are free to have your beliefs, just stop trying to silence everyone that doesn't agree with you. It's incredibly totalitarian of you.

You're allowed your opinion and beliefs, I'm allowed mine. You post zero proof of your bizarre conspiracies resulting in you believing that anyone who disagrees with you is a "Russian bot", so I'll continue to post zero proof of mine. I'm just holding you to your own standards.

I'm sorry, but everyone is allowed a political opinion, not just you, as much as that infuriates you into a violent psychosis. That is what gives you the right to feed me shit about mine at the end of the day. I couldn't imagine a world without a contrasting opposition. It's what keeps us in line. A world without a free speaking opposition is a world of totalitarianism.

The density of straw men in that creative opus approaches the astrophysical.
