I believe in God but not the Bible

I believe that God leads each of us on a personal level as he guides us towards our fate. The Bible is irrelevant and completely bullshit it is a mind control device and continues to control the masses today.

Don't believe the Hype.
I believe that Religion was more of an "olden times" law,
Kind of a mentor on how you should live ,
The Bible , in it's many forms is no more than "Chinese Whisper"
Now , i believe Religion does help "people who need something to believe in"
I also believe it is childish to believe that some God created all,
More an act of Physics ,
Yes there is no religion but there is God who exist as the force who guides you to your eventual fate.

Based on what? I never understood why and how people can dismiss religion/bible but still believe in a God. That which is asserted without evidence can be dismissed without evidence.
I believe that God leads each of us on a personal level as he guides us towards our fate. The Bible is irrelevant and completely bullshit it is a mind control device and continues to control the masses today.

Don't believe the Hype.

All one has to do is accept that the Bible was edited by the Romans circa 70AD. Kinda like if the Constitution and Bill of Rights were allowed to be edited by the British.

Congrats on seeing through the propaganda and may God Bless you.
I believe that God leads each of us on a personal level as he guides us towards our fate. The Bible is irrelevant and completely bullshit it is a mind control device and continues to control the masses today.

I agree with you. But it is always going to be human nature to believe in a higher power. If everyone kept open minded instead of believing that their proposed way is the only right way we would be in a better place. Why do people always have to push their religion onto to others? Why can't they just take no for an answer and have a laugh that they are going to heaven and I'm going to hell.
Cannikid: I think it is human nature to be lazy. Unanswered questions?, just add a little God. Parents told you God was real? Dont do your own research and go with what is easy and believe what you are told.
Cannikid: I think it is human nature to be lazy. Unanswered questions?, just add a little God. Parents told you God was real? Dont do your own research and go with what is easy and believe what you are told.

...have you done any studying, at all - for yourself, about what you dismiss?

It is an aspect of life, this 'religion' thing. It is an aspect of a person. You'd like to come across as an intellectual, I am sure, but the O.R. slices you do work against you. Due-diligence?
Religion yes. Belief, not really imo.

how can you say it wasnt belief that fueled all that?

the only reason why they did those things back then was the belief they were right

now modern christians have slightly differing beliefs but its still holding them back like lack of belief of big bang theory or non belief of evolution

you cannot seperate religion from belief one tiny bit
how can you say it wasnt belief that fueled all that?

the only reason why they did those things back then was the belief they were right

now modern christians have slightly differing beliefs but its still holding them back like lack of belief of big bang theory or non belief of evolution

you cannot seperate religion from belief one tiny bit

...curious to know what is wrong with believing in something? Pretty simple question :)
...have you done any studying, at all - for yourself, about what you dismiss?

It is an aspect of life, this 'religion' thing. It is an aspect of a person. You'd like to come across as an intellectual, I am sure, but the O.R. slices you do work against you. Due-diligence?

i know you think your the only one that has done any sort of spiritual searching or that has had any experience of religion and differing beliefs but i think you'll find pretty much everyone here has walked their own paths including their own experiences on why they feel how they feel

reading a bunch of different works by "guru's" with an unquestioning mind doesn't mean your better informed. more gullible maybe but not more informed
...curious to know what is wrong with believing in something? Pretty simple question :)

when people believe they have a personal conversation with god then you have a very dangerous situation as when they look into themselves for guidance from god any answer that they come up with is by definition "ordained by god"
now that arguably is fine if they believe that being nice to everyone is all their god wants

but what if they believe that their god wants them to kill the jews? or muslims? or stone women? or homosexuals? or that children are possessed?
or if say they were the POTUS and they believed they were in the end times of revelations and that it was their destiny to press that big red button.

what is right in beliefs like that?
i know you think your the only one that has done any sort of spiritual searching

...I was asking a clarifying question. You owned the judgment. And, I don't claim anything. Like the other people in here I am posting my experience with the matters being discussed. What's up man? Just walking my own path. Is it only the atheists in here that can reply en mass with some fire?

...have you done any studying, at all - for yourself, about what you dismiss?

It is an aspect of life, this 'religion' thing. It is an aspect of a person. You'd like to come across as an intellectual, I am sure, but the O.R. slices you do work against you. Due-diligence?

...I was asking a clarifying question. You owned the judgment. And, I don't claim anything. Like the other people in here I am posting my experience with the matters being discussed. What's up man? Just walking my own path. Is it only the atheists in here that can reply en mass with some fire?


your coming across as a holier than thou spiritualist walk your path all you want but dont pretend your the only one walking

and dont worry im more than honest about being a bastard when i want to be (see my sig)