I believe in God but not the Bible


Well-Known Member
no, i got plenty of weed, i just hate the fact that the "moral right" is forcing their views on me.

boy have you got issues,.


Well-Known Member
no, i got plenty of weed, i just hate the fact that the "moral right" is forcing their views on me.

boy have you got issues,.
well bro it's called stepping up under pressure. if you let people discover that you smoke like a chimney and it happens to be marijuana, that's a personal problem that you can fix by moving away. Good luck with that.


Well-Known Member
You laugh at praying like I laugh at open same sex gayness, 2 dudes kissing and what not. Keep being prejudice so the world doesn't stop spinning!

ive seen prayers work instantly.

twice in a row..


do you really think praying is gonna fix people?

more than being nice to them?

you think this piece of shit version of you is gonna get into heaven?

what is heaven?

nice people? yeah? and lots of them?

everything you need, cause everyone is caring and sharing?


where do you

fit into that description?

and yeah, you totally fit the profile for a homohater too

i bet if i saw your picture, you´d look like a closetqueer too (hey, deal with it man, fucking other men is ok! you like it so dont worry about it and just do it!)


Well-Known Member
well bro it's called stepping up under pressure. if you let people discover that you smoke like a chimney and it happens to be marijuana, that's a personal problem that you can fix by moving away. Good luck with that.

this pressure is rather universal.

and not condoned by god in any "book" btw.

but you are right, its totally useless being mad at monkeys. :)


Well-Known Member

ive seen prayers work instantly.

twice in a row..


do you really think praying is gonna fix people?

more than being nice to them?

you think this piece of shit version of you is gonna get into heaven?

what is heaven?

nice people? yeah? and lots of them?

everything you need, cause everyone is caring and sharing?


where do you

fit into that description?

and yeah, you totally fit the profile for a homohater too

i bet if i saw your picture, you´d look like a closetqueer too (hey, deal with it man, fucking other men is ok! you like it so dont worry about it and just do it!)
Wow, you must work for the FBI. What you know about me is quite impressive. Although know this, if I ever saw you, you would never be part of my real fanclub. So fap off and keep prayin'! I'll worry about my own flaws and you work on your relationship with God! Peace.


Well-Known Member
Wow, you must work for the FBI. What you know about me is quite impressive. Although know this, if I ever saw you, you would never be part of my real fanclub. So fap off and keep prayin'! I'll worry about my own flaws and you work on your relationship with God! Peace.
lol, oh you dont know, we might become best friends! ;)

and you dont know who i am ;)

or what i am, really :D

or even if i was serious ;) on any of it :)

have a good one man ;) may all your nice prayers be instantly fulfilled and you get the big hug from daddy god as you want and deserve ;)


Well-Known Member
lol, oh you dont know, we might become best friends! ;)

and you dont know who i am ;)

or what i am, really :D

or even if i was serious ;) on any of it :)

have a good one man ;) may all your nice prayers be instantly fulfilled and you get the big hug from daddy god as you want and deserve ;)
Well I really feel the love when two warring sides can come to a peaceful conclusion. Have a good night man, and whichever path you take, may it lead you to eternal peace


Well-Known Member
Well I really feel the love when two warring sides can come to a peaceful conclusion. Have a good night man, and whichever path you take, may it lead you to eternal peace

all you need is love :) nicely put man.

though id kinda renege on the eternal peace part, sounds kinda boring , though i do not want any trouble (but skiing madly down some slope halfdrunk, sounds kinda nice to me (oh i almost never drink, got bored with it)

but yeah, right back at ya dude and much more, we all deserve it.

everything we want.

under heaven and under love.

everything we need.

as soon as we want it.

(and have tired of exploring the sins, boring as they become sooner or later.)


Well-Known Member
all you need is love :) nicely put man.

though id kinda renege on the eternal peace part, sounds kinda boring , though i do not want any trouble (but skiing madly down some slope halfdrunk, sounds kinda nice to me (oh i almost never drink, got bored with it)

but yeah, right back at ya dude and much more, we all deserve it.

everything we want.

under heaven and under love.

everything we need.

as soon as we want it.

(and have tired of exploring the sins, boring as they become sooner or later.)
Sins are boring, man. Regardless of having to prove ourselves "worthy" to get into heaven, just trying to live without sin which damages the mind and body can bring great results. I wish I had total control over my body's instinct to seek pleasure, I would get a lot more work done and reap the rewards through work, not free sex with a whore or drinking into oblivion in public < been there.


Active Member
Ok so it's like 6am not slept yet but will come back to this thread as I want to chime in.

Was raised church of England but don't really put all that much weight in the bible, mainly due to the fact that any written historic text is written by a human and therefore subject to interpretation by that human, influenced by their experiences and thought process (and because we can't read the "original text" for ourselves)

Also, if you look into it Christianity seems to be pagan sun worship (which is actually worship of a samerian god called shamash, also known as the god of justice hence the expression "god is just" (sp?)) There are also huge ssimilarities in many religious texts that COULD be referenced to samerian texts / tablets which are THE oldest recorded language / writings that are like 3000 years BEFORE CHRIST and who worshiped a multitude Of gods.

Now personally I think believing in religion / god is just fine if it makes you happy, I'm more a faith in a higher power than myself type of guy I don't want or need labels like "god" thrown about especially when many of the larger religions break there own "commandments" even at the highest level of believers, hell look at the dark ages or the crusades for example!

Another thing that gets me is the fact that many "religions" operate like businesses and horde profits and I mean major money, look at the Vatican and its wealth compared to its acts of charity.

Oooh oooh and I have a massive and I mean massive problem with ANY religion that uses its beliefs as an excuse for war or killing, seriously?! At least be honest about your brutality and murder, don't hide behind "religion" because it's a touchy subject.

Right bed time now but will come back later as this could be a great thread and I need to be able to think coherently to debate this properly but for now think on this...... If hitler had won world war 2 what would historic texts say about him in 3000 years? Just remember history is written by the victors....

Obli out....puff puff!


Well-Known Member
Right bed time now but will come back later as this could be a great thread and I need to be able to think coherently to debate this properly but for now think on this...... If hitler had won world war 2 what would historic texts say about him in 3000 years? Just remember history is written by the victors....

Obli out....puff puff!
Well historic texts generally have SOME historical documents to back them up. The Bible is just 2000 years of people shoving the same thing down their kids throats until it became normal


Well-Known Member
Sins are boring, man. Regardless of having to prove ourselves "worthy" to get into heaven, just trying to live without sin which damages the mind and body can bring great results. I wish I had total control over my body's instinct to seek pleasure, I would get a lot more work done and reap the rewards through work, not free sex with a whore or drinking into oblivion in public < been there.
didnt god say once you're in heaven you're his servant for enternity? that dont sound like a peachy place to me if i got some all mighty dude tellin me what to do all the time and i dont get to see my fam and friends and thats IF we all make it.


Active Member
Well historic texts generally have SOME historical documents to back them up. The Bible is just 2000 years of people shoving the same thing down their kids throats until it became normal
Thats true BA but who created those historical documents? Those who where writing the history at that time in whatever way they saw fit, add a detail here, omit a few there etc.

The bible, in many ways, can be likened to Facebook. Now before you rip me a new one please understand that I don't mean in terms of the message the bible puts across (and there really are some good ones) but in its ability to be used as a crutch and a way to deal with everyday life by giving a focal point

Look at the state of everyday life 2000 years ago, no social housing and benefits to help your starving kids, disease everywhere, policing systems being abused, politicians bought and sold and no where for the Average commoner to turn for help, hell the Romans built the colloseums to GIVE the people something else to focus on so they didnt have mass social upheaval.

Is this not a similar to the way Facebook sucks us in and keeps our attention? Sure you see a post or two on current events and world issues but ooh I need help on my farm or MUST let the world know how cute this dancing bear pic is.

Do you see my point? Focus on this and not us, live your life by these rules and "commandments" (while we flaunt and ignore them *cough* Vatican *cough).

This is just my $0.02 but I've done my due diligence and have my own opinions, you all have free will and will excersise that how you feel fit to. I just have gripes with any religion that hides behind its self and dictates what we have access to an interprets gods word to ALL MANKIND as they see fit (big shiny brass balls in my opinion).

But as I said, free will n all that...

ThE sAtIvA hIgH

Well-Known Member
I believe that God leads each of us on a personal level as he guides us towards our fate. The Bible is irrelevant and completely bullshit it is a mind control device and continues to control the masses today.

Don't believe the Hype.
wich god are you talking about , and how did you find out about this god ?


Well-Known Member
Look at the state of everyday life 2000 years ago, no social housing and benefits to help your starving kids, disease everywhere, policing systems being abused, politicians bought and sold and no where for the Average commoner to turn for help, hell the Romans built the colloseums to GIVE the people something else to focus on so they didnt have mass social upheaval.
Sounds like you just described life in 2012. Just replace the Roman Colosseum with the internet and mainstream media.

Religion is halting progress. A lot of hate for gays and minorities comes straight from the Evangelical community...retarded outdated laws that remain because of Religous beliefs, not to mention the total lack of separation of church and state within the Republican party.

I don't have a problem with individuals practicing any sort of belief system....but in this country Christianity takes an overwhelming majority of respect and it's really fucking annoying for non Christian's


Active Member
Cannikid: I think it is human nature to be lazy. Unanswered questions?, just add a little God. Parents told you God was real? Dont do your own research and go with what is easy and believe what you are told.
....how true...im infact not a follower, i dont and wont have blind faith in any so called idol/god/government, I do tho beleive in mother earth as our cradle and our creator, so im spiritual but not god fearing ,god is only an old form of governance and taxation(bible)....and i find that many people of any faith are weak people whome can be convinced of anything as long as you can add a little god!


Active Member
I see religion as a gateway to God. Religion helps people understand and appreciate the power of God and create brotherhood for humanity. People tend to merge barabaric cultural practices with religion. Why can humanity not get along when religion tells man to do good? People tend to be fucked in the head and think what they were taught by other rebels is religious. Suicide bombing, beheadings, pedophilia in churches, Zionists- PEOPLE ARE THE PROBLEM. We need to get along, stop watching propaganda on tv, read our religious books PROPERLY and not follow what others say and start socializing.



Ursus marijanus
Islam, I think most people view religion as a gateway to God, a "user interface". The troubles appear when one makes independent (extrareligious) inquiries into how to ID the god in question. There's such an extensive menu and no "try before you buy" option ... and more critically, no guarantee of a Divine in texts that are not ultimately self-referent. cn


I see religion as a gateway to God. Religion helps people understand and appreciate the power of God and create brotherhood for humanity. People tend to merge barabaric cultural practices with religion. Why can humanity not get along when religion tells man to do good? People tend to be fucked in the head and think what they were taught by other rebels is religious. Suicide bombing, beheadings, pedophilia in churches, Zionists- PEOPLE ARE THE PROBLEM. We need to get along, stop watching propaganda on tv, read our religious books PROPERLY and not follow what others say and start socializing.
I think it's a "do as I say not as I do" problem. Using Christianity as an example: God gives his people the 10 commandments and tell them "thou shalt not kill" and a little bit latter tells his followers to commit genocide and kill all the Canaanites and take their land. That’s an extremely inconsistent and contradictory message. Religions have “solved” the dilemma by declaring that anything their god does is good by definition. This has the net result of making “good” as a moral principle effectively meaningless. So while most religious text would admonish us to be good, they are full of examples of God acting badly…. At least if we apply our own moral code to god.

Suicide bombing, beheadings, pedophilia in churches, Zionists- PEOPLE ARE THE PROBLEM.
Couldn’t agree with you more :)

Chief Walkin Eagle

Well-Known Member
I see religion as a gateway to God. Religion helps people understand and appreciate the power of God and create brotherhood for humanity. People tend to merge barabaric cultural practices with religion. Why can humanity not get along when religion tells man to do good? People tend to be fucked in the head and think what they were taught by other rebels is religious. Suicide bombing, beheadings, pedophilia in churches, Zionists- PEOPLE ARE THE PROBLEM. We need to get along, stop watching propaganda on tv, read our religious books PROPERLY and not follow what others say and start socializing.

YOU BASTARD! I was gunna post this lol glad to see some like minded people though.