I am woman

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i'm just going on the word of very trusted members who have no need to lie about what happened.

feel free to dispel the stories i have heard from multiple trusted members about how you offered them over-market price as soon as the cops showed up.
Yeah that's what I have heard.
I have yet to have so much as 1 member approach me with any such story. Until they do, I have no idea what you are talking about. I not going to sit here and defend myself against your accusations. I have no reason to. Did they hide in foxholes as well?

fair enough. until they say anything publicly, i will let off on this line of reasoning as to why i do not like you. every story i have heard has been confined to PM. if they have something to say, they can say it to everyone.

many of those stories i wrote off on the source by the way. but three members did write me pretty detailed PMs that seemed to correspond.

i will still pick on you not only for sheskunk, but also for your racist comments as fdd. i can work with either of those alone.
fair enough. until they say anything publicly, i will let off on this line of reasoning as to why i do not like you. every story i have heard has been confined to PM. if they have something to say, they can say it to everyone.

many of those stories i wrote off on the source by the way. but three members did write me pretty detailed PMs that seemed to correspond.

i will still pick on you not only for sheskunk, but also for your racist comments as fdd. i can work with either of those alone.

You don't like me? I'm crushed.
"Alpha Tango Cocksucker we got a sniper 3 clicks to the right. We're gonna need you to take him out."
"Negative on that captain, I'm busy calling fdd a racist."

"Honey, come in here a minute, I want you to rub my back."
"Sorry sweety, I'm busy telling fdd he's dumb."

"So what is the proper pressure to set my regulator?"
"I'd tell you, but I'm posting memes at the moment."

"Hello, welcome to paradise. Would you like to come visit our beaches?"
"Nope, can't do that right now, fdd is quoting my posts and I have to get even with him."

You better get in there and clean those crumbs off the counter or your Mom is going to be pissed.
Every time you put an emoji at the end of your post I know you're having a meltdown. I don't even click reply on your BS posts, yet you still still manage to respond very quickly. Obviously you're the one who is preoccupied. I'm not convinced you like this thread being bumped, so I will continue despite your protests.
Every time you put an emoji at the end of your post I know you're having a meltdown. I don't even click reply on your BS posts, yet you still still manage to respond very quickly. Obviously you're the one who is preoccupied. I'm not convinced you like this thread being bumped, so I will continue despite your protests.

I bump this thread at least once a day.


War hero. More like stolen valor.
I would say you're just trying to get under my skin since you're so everlastingly butt hurt about how I trolled you so hard, but then I remembered how I kept hearing for years that you're a snitch who dimed out his own friends.
I would say you're just trying to get under my skin since you're so everlastingly butt hurt about how I trolled you so hard, but then I remembered how I kept hearing for years that you're a snitch who dimed out his own friends.

I heard you were a war hero who travels to exotic locations. All while melting on RIU.
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