I am the Christ- the King- the Messiah- the Lord- the Chosen One- the Savior- the Anointed One! OMG!

than, Not "then".... Jesus Christ would have known that, lol.

I am confused about the words "then", and "than".

@Padawanbater2 chastised Me for always saying "than", so since then, I have been typing "then".

It is really confusing. I try and use proper grammer, but I was never good at English. I was more adept in engineering, math, science, physics, etc..

EDIT- Jesus Christ did not write the New Testament. Jesus might have been illeterate. If Jesus actually wrote a book, I might read that book. But, no, Jesus was never recorded as being an author or scribe.

George, what did you think about the plans for the new church?

What new church?

Please elaborate about this "new church".

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Hmm, it is free now that I just looked again. It's "ad free" that is a couple bucks.

Yes, I thought it was free.

I have never seen a forum that charges money to join.

If you want to debate about religion, you should join "ReligiousForums.com", because it is very active in the spirituality section.

Please read through all of the links that I gave you.

I am confused about the words "then", and "than".

@Padawanbater2 chastised Me for always saying "than", so since then, I have been typing "then".

It is really confusing. I try and use proper grammer, but I was never good at English. I was more adept in engineering, math, science, physics, etc..

EDIT- Jesus Christ did not write the New Testament. Jesus might have been illeterate. If Jesus actually wrote a book, I might read that book. But, no, Jesus was never recorded as being an author or scribe.

What new church?

Please elaborate about this "new church".


Then is used to situate the order of things in a linear timeline, and than is used to make comparisons. How is this confusing? The difference between then and than perplexes you, but you have the ideas to save the planet? I don't understand how even you can believe your own bullshit...
You are always welcome in My thread (if you are respectful).

I really enjoyed talking to you. I hope that you continue to talk to Me.

It is My pleasure to know you.

you missing my point completly George.........i have more important things to think about than what your thinking about George...sorry.

bradburrys to do list.......get George to be a normal person , he isnot the lord and my people agree
george iv been reading your threads in other religious forums where people i know hang out and you seem to have the same problem there aswell.......not answering hard to answer qustions........just posting links to vids and claiming this is the proof of you........no solid evidence apart from a link and you saying "people believe what they want" and " i know the truth".

its wearing abit thin george and all the other people think so too.....we have decided to give you one last chance.

we have read and looked at your reasons for claiming to be the lord and have come to decide that you are NOT the lord and it is up to you to convince us otherwise.

until then we keep waiting for the true lord our saviour.......amen.

good luck my friend
I have already provided a copious amount of evidence about Myself.

Do I even need to say more?

Its either that you have been following Me or you are lost, and you have no idea what I am talking about.

This thread is going to get very long, pay attention.

If you want to read about Me, go to the link below.


If you want to read about Me, go to the link above.

It might take you a few hours to read through all of that thread, but if you are interested in Christ, its worth the time to read and watch My videos.

This thread will be based off of the link below.


This thread will be based off of the link above.

Consider this thread a continuation of that link.

I will try and answer all of your question aboout Me- the Christ.

This thread is going to be about Me- the Christ.

Check out the link below, and read it till the end.


Check out the link above, and read it till the end.

Grab some popcorn, smoke a joint, and prepare to be entertained.

I am the Christ, this is a fact to Me. I am the Messiah, this is a fact to Me. I am the Savior, this is a fact to Me. I am a god, this is a fact to Me. I am the Lord, this is a fact to Me. I am the Chosen One, this is a fact to Me.

If you have some time to kill, and you want to see what I am going to be debating about, check out the link below.


If you have some time, and you want to see what I am going to be debating about, check out the link above.

Try and disprove or debunk anything that I have said in that link.

This thread is going to get real long, take some notes, because I dont want to keep repeating Myself.

I love all of you guys.

I look forward to answering your questions. Remember, this thread is about Me- the Christ.

I have already provided a copious amount of evidence about Myself.

Do I even need to say more?

Its either that you have been following Me or you are lost, and you have no idea what I am talking about.

This thread is going to get very long, pay attention.

If you want to read about Me, go to the link below.


If you want to read about Me, go to the link above.

It might take you a few hours to read through all of that thread, but if you are interested in Christ, its worth the time to read and watch My videos.

This thread will be based off of the link below.


This thread will be based off of the link above.

Consider this thread a continuation of that link.

I will try and answer all of your question aboout Me- the Christ.

This thread is going to be about Me- the Christ.

Check out the link below, and read it till the end.


Check out the link above, and read it till the end.

Grab some popcorn, smoke a joint, and prepare to be entertained.

I am the Christ, this is a fact to Me. I am the Messiah, this is a fact to Me. I am the Savior, this is a fact to Me. I am a god, this is a fact to Me. I am the Lord, this is a fact to Me. I am the Chosen One, this is a fact to Me.

If you have some time to kill, and you want to see what I am going to be debating about, check out the link below.


If you have some time, and you want to see what I am going to be debating about, check out the link above.

Try and disprove or debunk anything that I have said in that link.

This thread is going to get real long, take some notes, because I dont want to keep repeating Myself.

I love all of you guys.

I look forward to answering your questions. Remember, this thread is about Me- the Christ.

just thought id remind you of your nonsense son.
you missing my point completly George.........i have more important things to think about than what your thinking about George...sorry.

bradburrys to do list.......get George to be a normal person , he isnot the lord and my people agree

In real life, I am very "normal".

On the internet (where I am somewhat incognito), I share My deepest secrets.

Don't try and change Me.

Am I forcing anyone to change their beliefs? No, I am simply stating My beliefs for others to ponder.

People can believe what they want.

I am happy when people are friendly and polite towards Me.

I bet you can't quote Me saying that "people NEED to believe in Me".

I am content with My ideaology.

I believe in Myself, and anyone can witness Me. If someone doesn't like the things I say, they don't have to read or watch Me say anything. There is an ignore option, or block option.

Please don't worry about Me, I am Blessed!

george iv been reading your threads in other religious forums where people i know hang out and you seem to have the same problem there aswell.......not answering hard to answer qustions........just posting links to vids and claiming this is the proof of you........no solid evidence apart from a link and you saying "people believe what they want" and " i know the truth".

its wearing abit thin george and all the other people think so too.....we have decided to give you one last chance.

we have read and looked at your reasons for claiming to be the lord and have come to decide that you are NOT the lord and it is up to you to convince us otherwise.

until then we keep waiting for the true lord our saviour.......amen.

good luck my friend

Is there PROOF for any religion?

george iv been reading your threads in other religious forums where people i know hang out and you seem to have the same problem there aswell.......not answering hard to answer qustions........just posting links to vids and claiming this is the proof of you........no solid evidence apart from a link and you saying "people believe what they want" and " i know the truth".

its wearing abit thin george and all the other people think so too.....we have decided to give you one last chance.

we have read and looked at your reasons for claiming to be the lord and have come to decide that you are NOT the lord and it is up to you to convince us otherwise.

until then we keep waiting for the true lord our saviour.......amen.

good luck my friend
good luck George ;)
Most healthy people derive their self-esteem naturally, growing through accomplishment. Since he is not productive or growing as a person, Georgie's beliefs afford him a sense of comfort through a delusional, pseudo self-esteem. We witness this in many mentally ill people as a mechanism to ward off suicide. Got to hand it to him, his way is much easier than getting off his ass and actually learning and accomplishing goals IRL...
Most healthy people derive their self-esteem naturally, growing through accomplishment. Since he is not productive or growing as a person, Georgie's beliefs afford him a sense of comfort through a delusional, pseudo self-esteem. We witness this in many mentally ill people as a mechanism to ward off suicide. Got to hand it to him, his way is much easier than getting off his ass and actually learning and accomplishing goals IRL...
or He could actually be God.....
I think you have the jesus thing off to a tee, as the whole idea behind a religious movement is for people to become apart of it.
You are christ because the idea of christ through it's teachings is so you become christ, almost all people will think they are christ at some point, then you either pray, which is why a religious movement is apparant. Or you become the person you pray to, most do it with some other outlook than saying "i'm Chist" most will go on to think it there whole lives, living a battle between thinking they are and actually praying too.
A total shift in the frequency of the earth can make people come unattached from other things, leading them to there soul believes, lucky for you i say you have been caught up in limbo with this thing you have. As the thing you let go of, has actually saved you from an element that well could of eaten you up. I will go as far as to say, you believing your christ has saved you in a way you will never know.
It will not hurt you to carry on thinking you are for the rest of your life, it might do you some good, as you have become unattached but do remember your not the only one.
If we all look up and stop saving each other and tell one another to do one we all stand united. If one is to save the world without doing anything at all, well you get the idea, Brother.
or He could actually be God.....

Yes, I could be God.

But, even if I am God, I won't admit to being God.

If God is the "Supreme Being", than I have a lot to prove. I would not consider Myself the "Supreme Being," but rather as equal to My witnesses.

But, if Christ is human, I can empirically, factually, falsifiably prove that I am 100% human. God is usually not considered as human by many people.

If God is the Life of the universe, then I am God. If God is some supernatural deity, then I am not God.

It depends on your definition of God.

I have been called "God" by a few people, but beliefs can be subjective.

But, you- LetsGetCritical, are a god, as much as I am a god.

All of My people that believe in Me are gods.

If I am divine, all of the people that believe in Me are divine too.

We are gods.

These are some of the things I would expect God to do.

If You're God, You need to have plans for the future.

Any dolt can claim to be God.

If You're God, You need to be able of fixing the world.

God should have great notions that He came up with on His own.

God should be the Supreme Being.

If You are God, You need to clean up the world and bring about a paradise.

You need to find solutions for feeding the hungry people.

You need to lower the cost of living, if You are God.

And You need to take the fluoride out of the water.

God needs to be omnibenevolent- the most loving and caring Person in the universe.

If You think You are God, You need to lower the cost of food for the whole world.

If You are God, You need to find a much cheaper fuel source instead of fossil fuels. God would be able to create a extremely cheap renuable fuel source.

God would create a way to get rid of pollution, if You are Him.

God needs to do something about how the poor people are so poor, and the rich elite people have most of the worlds money; if You are Him.

If You are God, You need to legalize hemp and marijuana.

I bet God would end the "war on drugs", and then most of the prisons would close down, because a majority of people in prison are there because of stupid drug laws.

If You are the Almighty, You would allow everyone to have two clones of themself: or not?

God needs to have plans to create copious amounts of good paying jobs, so everyone that wants to work will have a great paying job.

God should be able to clean up the ocean, and get rid of the mercury, or anything bad in the waters.

God would have plans to colonize the ocean, if You are Him.

God would be "Farmer God".

You should be able to come up with the best government ever, if You are the Lord.

I would even let God steal My plans for a global online government, because that is the pinnical of politics.

God would be adventurous, and create life on the moon, Mars, and any planet that can be terraformed.

God should have a good sense of humor, and not take Himself too seriously all the time.

God would end sex trafficing, sex slaves, and any kind of slavery.

God should be able to make the world as free as possible, but still have just laws to keep the peace.

God should be credible, and not a bunch of fairy tales, myths, legends, logical fallacies, nonsense, etc..

If You are God, You need to be Good, and not some evil dictator.

God would be able to make all food 100% organic, and get rid of GMO foods.

God needs to make the most change in the world, for the best.

If You are God, You should create nuclear (fusion) power plants all over the globe, until the utilities are FREE for everyone.

God needs to make electricity, water, shelter, etc., free for everyone.

God would not tax the poor people, or the middle class people. God would only tax the utterly rich people.

God should be embraced as the King of the world, and He should be respected.

God should have His own global online government.

God should create farms underground, and use LEDS as the lighting source.

God would protect wildlife, but at the same time, allowing hunting and fishung.

God needs to create thousands of floors underground, so people can have underground abodes/homes.

God would implement some sort of welfare for poor people, and even give children spending money.

God should make everyone much richer, if You are God.

God would create houses inside of the mountains.

God should be able to terraform this world, and also other planets.

God should be cool.

People should be proud to know God Himself- the Creator.

God should be Master.

If You are God, I don't expect You to be perfect, but You should know the way to prosperity for the whole earth.

God should help people in any way possible.

God would turn terrorists into paintball warriors.

God would get rid of all of the countries borders, so you can freely roam the world in peace.

God would teach everyone the English language, because God should be able to speak English, in My opinion.

God should be able to make mansions affordable to the middle class.

God would build thousands of pyramid cities all across the globe.

God needs to be positive, and lift peoples spirits up.

God should be adept at critical thinking.

Gods needs to be the Savior- the Messiah- the Christ- the Prophet- the King- the Lord- the Creator, etc., of His elect chosen people.

God needs a cogent Spirituality.

God shouldn't be cantankerous.

God needs to get rid of religion, because more people die because of religion.

God needs to be the Man.

God needs to be the Word.

God should be able to entertain people, and get people to smile and be content.

God needs to have videos of Himself, so everyone in the future will know what God looks like, and what He talks like too.

God should be a rebel of this present time.

God should stop all of the chaos, and bring about a peace for all people.

God shouldn't be a racist bigot, He should lead by example.

God shouldn't be a hypocrit, God should stick to His Words.

God should do something about the poor countries, and bring business their way.

God should teach the world how to farm their own crops.

God would find the cure to cancer, and advocate for natural remedies.

Even the Atheists should believe in the cogent God.

I could go on what I expect from God, but I will stop now because I want to smoke a cigarette.

^^ God doesn't need to be, or do, any of these things. Those things are simply your preference. For all you know god could be an evil, sadistic asshole who put us here to watch us fuck up and be miserable for his Eternal Amusement. Some may point to Him sending you to this sub-forum, to ruin its dignity with your inane shit, as evidence of that...
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