I am the Christ- the King- the Messiah- the Lord- the Chosen One- the Savior- the Anointed One! OMG!

Speaking about the "wanker", lol...

I just masturbated a few minutues ago and I busted a nut. My hands are still sticky, lol.

Thats about as much of a "wanker" as I am going to be.

I watched.

Btw I'm actually the messiah bro.

But in all seriousness look up Russian jesus on vice, he's way ahead ofyou, motherfucka gots a commune and shit like the hippies used todobut he's jesus.

He'd out jesus you any day, he's even got abook.
Wow hello you, have you done anything that has led you to believe this, any weird happenings lately.

Can you let us know about the most significant experience that has led you to believe in your self yet again, christ.
I found out that My initials backwards is OMG, in August of 2008, right after My 23rd birthday.

Nevaeh heaveN

heaveN Nevaeh

Thats how you can remember to spell Nevaeh.

I think "Nevaeh" is a slick username.

EDIT- But why am I am "wanker"?


It took you 23 years to realize what your initials are reversed, but you expect members here to believe you have a great mind for engineering and are a master grower? Yeah, okay... :roll:
Do you own a dog, spell it backwards yes you got it. Its a sign, no wait its dog spelt backwards.

What do you like watching on tv the most please, i have a wicked sense of humour and can pretty much sum you up with your fav tv program. Is it hollyoaks no wait is it the news by any chance, I never like the way they look directly at you, must be a sign.
Here you go Neveah420

This guy is so far ahead of you

You are just a punk in his bedroom he actually has followers

And is still false lol
I dont believe I look "scared" in My avatar. I wasnt scared when I took the picture either. But yes, My avatar is a selfie.

Why do you think I look like a "wanker"? Lol.

Because you look like you're scared/startled....

....and it's a selfie.
It's a cute concept. But remember that false teachers are judged harsh for leading lambs astray. If you preach love than you are teaching accordingly.

But to deceive others by convincing them that you are the anointed one, than may God have mercy on you in spite of your foolishness.

James 3:1 - Dear brothers and sisters, not many of you should become teachers in the church, for we who teach will be judged more strictly.

As for the 2nd birth of Yeshua into our world, it is made clear that he would be noticed.

Luke 18:22-25 - Then he said to his disciples, "The time is coming when you will long to see the day when the Son of Man returns, but you won't see it. People will tell you 'Look, there is the Son of Man', or 'Here he is', but don't to out and follow them. For as the lightning flashes and lights up the sky from one end to the other, so it will be on the day the Son of Man comes. But first the Son of Man must suffer terribly and be rejected by this generation.(this is referencing the crucifixion btw)
"When the Son of Man returns, it will be like Noah's day. In those days, the people enjoyed banquets and parties and weddings right up to the time Noah entered his boat and the flood came and destroyed them all."

I haven't noticed any flooding....
you not ugly bro .brave to put picture up. maybe I could make a nice jesus pic with your face

Thanks again My friend.

Im not really being "brave" to put a picture up, because I am not growing cannabis anymore. I havent grown marijuana, by Myself, since around the year 2008: but I did grow a crop with My brother a few years ago, or so, I forget exactly when.

I believe that I am decent looking; Im not the stud that I used to be when I was younger, but Im not bad looking either.

Good job posting the pics brother.



George, you are clearly related to the surprise chipmunk.:-P


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Facts are demonstrable. Until you can demonstrate all of theses things, they are not facts. Facts =/= assertions.

I have some demonstrable facts about Myself; I have some falsifiable facts about Myself; I have some empirical facts about Myself.

I have also witnessed facts that are not demonstrable, falsifiable, nor empirical; i.e., the 5 Signs I saw in the clouds in 2009, or the "alien" being that I saw on top of My neighbors roof in 2012. These are facts that cant be demonstrated, proven false, nor observed any more. Regardless of what you believe, I am the Witness to these things, and I believe they are facts; if only I caught it on video, I would have proof.

The UFOs that I have been seeing, almost everyday for ~9 months, except when its too cloudy outside, are demonstrable, falsifiable, and empirical: you can see them and prove Me right or wrong.

The very next post that I made, after you made this comment, is just some of My demonstrable facts about Myself. Its either I am telling the Truth about these things or I am lying, thats the only dichotomy about My Name and whatnot. You either take My Word or you choose not to believe Me, but these facts are not going to change about Me.

I have made many assertions, like My prophecies for example, and these prophecies of Mine will be proven in the future, with enough time. It seems like science needs to catch up with Me- a layman Prophet. But one day science will catch up with Me, and I will be proven correct: its just going to take some time. I believe that everything objective I say can be implemented, as far as My prophecies go: its just that science is still like a baby compared to My notions. Its time for science to grow up and catch up to Me.

One day, I will be known as the greatest Prophet ever.
