• Here is a link to the full explanation: https://rollitup.org/t/welcome-back-did-you-try-turning-it-off-and-on-again.1104810/

I am the Christ- the King- the Messiah- the Lord- the Chosen One- the Savior- the Anointed One! OMG!


Active Member
I was the Beginning, and I will be the End.

Of course I made the universe, who else would have, lol? I just dont remember doing it.

You're just a kid who ate waaaay to much lsd (probably ended up being DOB) and fried your brain bud, keep on believing/wishing what you will, but I really believe the only thing you created as large as this universe is your ego...


Well-Known Member
I read the first and last page of the thread you made on theforumsite. Quotes in bold taken from a post of yours on the last page.

"I bet that if every adult in the whole world read what I have written on the internet, a big percent of the entire world would convert to My supreme Spirituality. I bet millions of people would believe in Me, and after some time, billions of people will believe that I have spoken the Truth. Try and debunk anything that I have said. The Bible has over 100 contradictions: where have I contradicted Myself?"

"Maybe some of you cant fathom how profound I am because I am still alive and I dont have many advocates yet. After I die, I will leave My autobiography, My Newest Testament, and I will be the Prophet of this new AGE. You will only find fake "christs" until I come back with a new body at the next AGE; then I will be known, again, for My prophecies."

You're just very self centered, and have a huge ego. You seem to want to be remembered like Jesus of the bible.... Remembered, loved, and even worshiped. Why do you feel the need to want to be so important?


"I will come back at the next AGE, and every AGE; thats how God sends His Savior: AGE to AGE He stands, and time is in His hands! In one translation, Jesus said, "I will be with you always, even until the end of the AGE." So now, technically, its almost the end of the AGE, less then 150 years left before the AGE of Jesus expires, technically. Every new AGE needs a new Christ (but the same Spirit and soul), because people cant handle much more then one AGE at a time. Plus, the Messiah needs to get up to date once more with prophecy, because the prophecy will be fulfilled during that AGE; and newer prophecy will be needed for advancement of the next AGE."

What, are you suddenly some kind of expert in astrological/zodiac stuff since you saw Zeitgeist? That's a shitty video IMO, and has loads of misinformation.

"To Me, My Word is profound or very deep. I am the Enlightened One, on My journey to Nirvana, to felicity. I still have much growing to do, but I am learning every day. One day I will be known as Christ to many many people; whether I am alive or dead like Jesus. I dont need a cult or a following to be the greatest blessing. I can just be Myself and all that will come to Me will come to Me. I can just be Myself, and all will follow. I can just be Myself."

Once again, you're just self absorbed. A "savior" in my opinion would be more focused on doing good things for the world. Not focused on trying to get people on some websites to believe he is the "chosen savior".... Do good works, and let the people decide. You just appear to want popularity, fame and glory....
I dont want to be worshipped, I want to be respected for Who I am- as Christ.

Worship is for the insecure and vain. I am not insecure nor vain. I cant recall telling anyone on the internet that they should worship Me. I dont need to be worshipped. I dont even worship Myself, i.e., I dont say, "Praise Christ George Manuel Oliveira." I dont pray to Myself. I treat Myself like a normal person does. I dont ever want to be worshipped while I am alive, because I am 100% human. I dont need people to worship Me, in fact I would recommend that no one worships Me until I die. After I die, I could care less who worships who.

I just want to be known as Christ. I like to live out My fantasy on the internet. I like to talk about My adventures and I enjoy reading most peoples comments about Me, its fun for Me. To be honest, I would like to be the King of the world, another fantasy. I just want to help people in gigantic ways. I would love to be very rich so I could help many people. I have a fantasy that one day I will be known as Christ and I will be able to terraform many worlds.

I have fun reading your comments. I guess I enjoy the attention I get on the internet because in real life, I am a little shy. On the internet, I feel like I can say anything and not worry about the repercussions. I just have this fantasy that I am the Christ, and one day I will get to use My powers, as Christ should.

This is entertaining for Me, I get to reveal My deepest secrets, and I enjoy the feedback from you guys. I play it like a game

I play it like a game!

If I dont advocate for Myself, who will advocate for Me? No one wants to advocate for Me, so I will do the dirty work, Myself. I just enjoy bullshitting about My Christ complex.

I play it like a game!

I get bored so I like to talk about the craziest shit, because I wont talk about My Christ complex to My friends or family: I learned that the hard way though. I dont have a job right now, so I have plenty of time on My hands.

I play it like a game.

This is My little game, this is how I amuse Myself. Call Me a troll, it doesnt bother Me, as long as I am having fun, lol.



Well-Known Member
you havent answerd me will you be able to extract the legone from me??????
You dont have any demons, ThumpEasy, because demons are not real.

Try to think positive tboughts. Dont dwell on anything negative, let the negative go away from you.

Meditate on happy, healthy, peaceful, and positive things: things that will make you a better person. You can even read positive books that uplift your spirit. Try not to watch demonic TV. Watch uplifting TV that brings you closer to God, or good things.

If you think you have a demon, try and occupy your time doing productive things that distract you from having delusional thoughts. Its always good to learn new things.

But the fact is that not one demon has ever been proven, but there are some very evil people. You, ThumpEasy, are not even an evil person from what I have read about you.

Try and focus on your Higher Power, and try and impress your Higher Power with your good works. Think about your Higher Power and know that there is no such things as satan or demons. Your Higher Power can be anything you want it to be. Your Higher Power will not let you be attacted by demons that dont exist in the first place.

Keep it positive.



Well-Known Member
I just want to be known as Christ. I like to live out My fantasy on the internet. I like to talk about My adventures and I enjoy reading most peoples comments about Me, its fun for Me.
It's fun for you to read people put you down and make fun of you? That's fucking sad. You are below average in looks, ability and intelligence. There, that should give you a hard on...

To be honest, I would like to be the King of the world, another fantasy. I just want to help people in gigantic ways. I would love to be very rich so I could help many people. I have a fantasy that one day I will be known as Christ and I will be able to terraform many worlds.
How old are you? I think it may be time to ditch the fantasies and start worrying about reality...

I have fun reading your comments. I guess I enjoy the attention I get on the internet because in real life, I am a little shy.
Like a small child, negative attention is better than no attention, hey Ghostdriver?
I play it like a game!
I play it like a game!
I play it like a game.
Echolalia - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Echolalia

Echolalia (also known as echologia or echophrasia[1]) is the automatic repetition of vocalizations made by another person.

Associated conditions
Echolalia is one of the most salient aspects of communication disorders in autism, but is neither unique to nor synonymous with the syndrome.[4] Echophenomena (particularly echolalia and echopraxia) were defining characteristics in the early descriptions of Tourette syndrome (TS).[1] Echolalia also occurs in aphasia, schizophrenia, dementia, catatonia, epilepsy,[1] after cerebral infarction (stroke),[5] closed head injury,[6] in blind children, children with language impairments, as well as certain normally developing children.[4]

In Transcranial Sensory Aphasia, echolalia is common, with the patient incorporating another person's words or sentences into his or her own response. While these patients lack language comprehension, they are still able to read.[7]

Sound like anyone we know? Let's get the ghostdriver account going again, that personality is much more fun...


Well-Known Member
Well let me say thanks for nothing.
Is it not time for you to
Spring forth from the weed forum and start helping sick and suffering people.
In case you were preoccupied and missed it a whole bunch or rape n murder happened this very day.
I am not a miracle worker; there have never been any miracle workers, even Jesus could not perform any miracles because miracles are logical fallacies.

Im trying to reach people with power, influence, and contacts so I can make a name for Myself and get recognized, so My notions get implemented. If I can reach the right people, I have a chance of gaining some sort of power so I can help the masses. If I reach the right people, who knows whats possible with My ideas?

I cannot perform even one miracle, like healing people. But many non supernatural "miracles" have happened in My Life. Only God can perform miracles, and even that I question.

I would love to solve all of the worlds problems TONIGHT! I can only do My best. I have done some works that are wonderful, I have some solutions: but Im not talking to the right people, apparently. Any time I come up with a novel solution, I get criticized for My good work, and no one important pays attention to Me.

If the whole world payed enough attention to Me, I would solve most of the worlds problems, and soon. I have already done a lot of work. I need to get My blogs in a book and get that piblished, thats what I should do. I have come up with many novel solutions, so many novel solutions that I forget them all, lol. If I could fix the world tonight, I would. But the right people need to hear and recognize Me.

I just hope that I am talking to the right people that have influence and power. But you all have influence and power because of the internet. Any of you guys can reach hundred, if not thousands of people in a few weeks or months. People will read anything that anyone posts. What are you preaching about? Who are you advocating for? Why not advocate for Me- the Messiah? Just say something nice about Me! Do good things for Me. Talk about Me. I can do most of the work, its already in an online book, I just need advocates.

What are you talking about on the internet? Have you ever heard of "the power of attraction"? Basically, what you think and talk about will have a greater chance of coming to you. What are you talking about? Try and focus on making the world a better place: but heres the thing, I have already done most of the work if you have payed attention to Me. I have already come up with many solutions.

I dont know a better way to advocate for Myself then on the internet. What am I doing wrong? I have reached, literally, thousands of people with My Message. Im not going to start a cult, when I can work online and get My Message out that way: plus I dont want any followers, just witnesses.

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Well-Known Member
Sorry. Didn't mean to condescend. you are entertaining and I enjoy your stuff. I hope no one crucifies you: literally or metaphorically speaking. lol
carry on old bean
Lol, thanks, I guess.

I am 28 years old right now. When I am 33 years old, I want to be crucified and die the martyrs death, like Jesus did; to prove to earth that its not about My Life, but rather, what I can do for you. Its not about what anyone can do for Me, its about what I can do for YOU and you and you, and everyone.

I like to brag on the internet, but Im just trying to leave My legacy. Im sure that people would rather believe in someone who is confident rather then shy. I am shy in real life, but I am bold on the internet.

I dont regard My Life that much; I would be happy to give up My Life to solve all of the worlds problems forever. That is My intentions.

I would like My death to be epic: and I would like My death to demonstrate My ultimate Love for every human being that has lived, is living, or will ever live. If that means dying on a cross at the age of 33, then I am game.

Its not about Me, its about what I can do for YOU personally. Its about the children and their parents, and its about people living in peace and having prosperity. I just hope that My epic death will be recorded, so there will be no question.

Its about My Love for YOU and YOU!

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Well-Known Member
Lol, thanks, I guess.

I am 28 years old right now. When I am 33 years old, I want to be crucified and die the martyrs death, like Jesus did; to prove to earth that its not about My Life, but rather, what I can do for you. Its not about what anyone can do for Me, its about what I can do for YOU and you and you, and everyone.

I like to brag on the internet, but Im just trying to leave My legacy. Im sure that people would rather believe in someone who is confident rather then shy. I am shy in real life, but I am bold on the internet.

I dont regard My Life that much; I would be happy to give up My Life to solve all of the worlds problems forever. That is My intentions.

I would like My death to be epic: and I would like My death to demonstrate My ultimate Love for every human being that has lived, is living, or will ever live. If that means dying on a cross at the age of 33, then I am game.

Its not about Me, its about what I can do for YOU personally. Its about the children and their parents, and its about people living in peace and having prosperity. I just hope that My epic death will be recorded, so there will be no question.

Its about My Love for YOU and YOU!
