I am the Christ- the King- the Messiah- the Lord- the Chosen One- the Savior- the Anointed One! OMG!

Please explain in detail, why I am a "weirdo".

hi buddy, listen George you cant argue with them, they know best that's just human nature, i like to call it 'everybody wants to be a dj syndrome ' they only get the power rush the so desperatly need by belittling people, they need to know and rule over everything ,, you understand George,,,sad really
I am going to be changing My avatar in a few minutes.

I am going to be wearing a shirt in My next picture.

that is some creepy hairy shit right there ^^ what was you thinking



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you should see a chiropractor. he can help you with your head and neck stiffness.
nice sweater....


I took another selfie picture the other day showing much more of My sweater, or chest hair.

I will now upload that picture showing much more chest hair.

did the aliens do that to you, hope they didn't roll you overrrrrrrrrrrrrr lol

No, the aliens have never done anything to Me; except maybe give Me some entertainment.

I have never been abducted either, and I have never gotten the anal probe.

I just saw some being, that I believe might have been an alien, in the year 2012. And I see UFOs every night that its not too cloudy outside.

I don't get it... Why would you say that from the picture? Is it because of all of My chest hair?


hi buddy ,i thought you might be interesed in looking at this religious forum, there's people wolrd wide George who are very open minded and unjudgemental , give it a try youd a lot of people interested to what you have to say,,if you join it buddy pm me with your username,,,,there's some nice people on there youd benefit from it , ok ,, see you soon