I am the Christ- the King- the Messiah- the Lord- the Chosen One- the Savior- the Anointed One! OMG!

I just took a selfie avatar picture with My shirt off, and I trimmed My goatee.

What do you guys think of My new avatar picture?

Do I look better with a shorter goatee?

Someone should post this picture in My thread, before I take another selfie avatar picture.

I just took a selfie avatar picture with My shirt off, and I trimmed My goatee.

What do you guys think of My new avatar picture?

Do I look better with a shorter goatee?

Someone should post this picture in My thread, before I take another selfie avatar picture.

you've ruined you whole image of Christ buddy no ones gonna belive you now, or well , it was good while it lasted, what do we call you now your not the messiah. Olord
you've ruined you whole image of Christ buddy no ones gonna belive you now, or well , it was good while it lasted, what do we call you now your not the messiah. Olord


I can always grow out My beard, and I can always grow a goatee: it just takes a few months.

I am not the Christ because I have a long beard, I am the Savior because I was Chosen to be the Messiah.

My facial hair has nothing to do with Me being the Prophet. I will always be the Savior of My chosen people.

I think I look better with a shorter beard.

well you just answered the question George , in your own mind you've gone abit mad,, don't make it any worse for your self,,

When I first had My apotheosis, I was totally crazy.

I am much better now; I learned from some of My mistakes.

I will no longer tell people, in real life, that I am the Christ. Problem solved.

When I first had My apotheosis, I was totally crazy.

I am much better now; I learned from some of My mistakes.

I will no longer tell people, in real life, that I am the Christ. Problem solved.

i don't belive you , i can hear you in you mind saying" it doesn't matter what people think ,i know the truth and that's all that matters'
i don't belive you , i can hear you in you mind saying" it doesn't matter what people think ,i know the truth and that's all that matters'

Yes, there is some truth to that statement.

I believe in Myself, as the Christ. Its not like I worship Myself, and I don't want other people to worship Me either.

I am content with My beliefs. I have My own ideologies. I have My own Spirituality. I am the best at being Myself. I am perfect at being Myself.

I want to do many things, including sharing knowledge.

I believe that one day, I will be the King of the world, and what I did while I was alive changed the world forever.

Yes, there is some truth to that statement.

I believe in Myself, as the Christ. Its not like I worship Myself, and I don't want other people to worship Me either.

I am content with My beliefs. I have My own ideologies. I have My own Spirituality. I am the best at being Myself. I am perfect at being Myself.

I want to do many things, including sharing knowledge.

I believe that one day, I will be the King of the world, and what I did while I was alive changed the world forever.

well start right hear George,,share some knowledge with me, tell me something amazing,really in interested
well start right hear George,,share some knowledge with me, tell me something amazing,really in interested

You should really learn how to spell the word "I'm", instead of writing the word "in".

I have put all of the interesting knowledge in the link that I gave you.

But, to entertain you, I am willing to bet that in the distant future, we will have vehicles that will be able to fly through the air, through water, and outer space: I call these vehicles "SPACE JETS". SPACE JETS are the transportation for the future. We can already build SPACE JETS, but I'm sure that the government would want to keep it top secret for now.

You should really learn how to spell the word "I'm", instead of writing the word "in".

I have put all of the interesting knowledge in the link that I gave you.

But, to entertain you, I am willing to bet that in the distant future, we will have vehicles that will be able to fly through the air, through water, and outer space: I call these vehicles "SPACE JETS". SPACE JETS are the transportation for the future. We can already build SPACE JETS, but I'm sure that the government would want to keep it top secret for now.

i need to be more carful spelling in, m&n are so close to gether, i use a phone ?? Anyways,, the flynig car idea has been around since the 40's George, and everone knows it will happen in the future , you can get a car to park its self , the self drive car will come before the flying car , but it will happen ,,this idea you shared with me isn't real proof your different to any one else George and im sorry to say it def wont sell books,, how else can u prove that your Christ, the king , in sure you could prove it for real buddy if you look deep enough, at the moment in swaying to the false prpthet side,,,sorry
[QUOTE="Nevaeh420, post: 10770400, member:

But, to entertain you, I am willing to bet that in the distant future, we will have vehicles that will be able to fly through the air, through water, and outer space: I call these vehicles "SPACE JETS". SPACE JETS are the transportation for the future. We can already build SPACE JETS, but I'm sure that the government would want to keep it top secret for now.

We got em already SEE.
can you see were this is going George, iv allready give you two examples that your ideas have massive flaws, they either don't work ( the hot water hydro turbine one ) and the flying car?, your going to have to do better than this buddy, you looking abit false at the moment , until you can prove otherwise, George, i think you know in not trolling you that's way below my level of intelegence , in serious for you to keep talking to me ,, and don't say its all in the links i provided cause this is what im trying to seive through with you George and get down to the real true,,,, ok two down George what's the next one that i cant argue with. , thanks look forward to it,?
i need to be more carful spelling in, m&n are so close to gether, i use a phone ?? Anyways,, the flynig car idea has been around since the 40's George, and everone knows it will happen in the future , you can get a car to park its self , the self drive car will come before the flying car , but it will happen ,,this idea you shared with me isn't real proof your different to any one else George and im sorry to say it def wont sell books,, how else can u prove that your Christ, the king , in sure you could prove it for real buddy if you look deep enough, at the moment in swaying to the false prpthet side,,,sorry

Nope, I guess that I can't empirically PROVE that I am Christ.

But, to be fair, even the pope can't empirically PROVE that Jesus is the Christ, either. No one can prove to an Atheist that Jesus is the Christ. To be veridical, I watch Christian TV most nights, and I still don't believe Jesus is the Christ. (But when I was a Christian, before the year 2008, I used to believe that Jesus was the Christ.)

Some things you just need a little bit of faith to believe. I don't need to prove that I am the Christ to anyone, because its only My personal belief. I have faith in Myself: I'm not claiming to be perfect, but I still believe in Myself.

At the very least, it should be a fact that I am claiming to be the Christ. You should know that I believe that I am the Christ. But no, I can't prove Myself to the skeptics. I can only be Myself.

You should have faith that I am not trying to decieve you to believe a lie. You don't have to believe in Me, no one is obligated to believe in Me.

I can only do My best.

can you see were this is going George, iv allready give you two examples that your ideas have massive flaws, they either don't work ( the hot water hydro turbine one ) and the flying car?, your going to have to do better than this buddy, you looking abit false at the moment , until you can prove otherwise, George, i think you know in not trolling you that's way below my level of intelegence , in serious for you to keep talking to me ,, and don't say its all in the links i provided cause this is what im trying to seive through with you George and get down to the real true,,,, ok two down George what's the next one that i cant argue with. , thanks look forward to it,?

One of these days, I will post most of My prophecies for the future, in this thread.

I plan on creating abodes that are inside of mountains, pyramid cities, underground, floating on top of the ocean, underwater, under the ocean floor, and in outer space.

These will be all of the places that you can create an abode.

What do you have to say about that?

One of these days, I will post most of My prophecies for the future, in this thread.

I plan on creating abodes that are inside of mountains, pyramid cities, underground, floating on top of the ocean, underwater, under the ocean floor, and in outer space.

These will be all of the places that you can create an abode.

What do you have to say about that?

what's an abode? IM sorry bud but if never heard this word, it sounds expensive? Explain please
what's an abode? IM sorry bud but if never heard this word, it sounds expensive? Explain please

abode[ uh-bohd ]
1. a place in which a person resides; residence; dwelling; habitation; home.
2. an extended stay in a place; sojourn.

An abode is just a "big" word for "home".

Abode= home.

So when you hear the word "abode", you should think a "home".

I will now use the word "abode" in a couple of sentances:

My abode is in Massachusetts, USA.

I plan on creating abodes in every possible place.

Abode means home.

abode[ uh-bohd ]
1. a place in which a person resides; residence; dwelling; habitation; home.
2. an extended stay in a place; sojourn.

An abode is just a "big" word for "home".

Abode= home.

So when you hear the word "abode", you should think a "home".

I will now use the word "abode" in a couple of sentances:

My abode is in Massachusetts, USA.

I plan on creating abodes in every possible place.

Abode means home.

yeah thanks i know now,like this" im going back to my abode and getting stoned" yes?...lol
George buddy you ideas great but do you honestly think there's any need to put abodes in pyrimids etc etc,, if the world gets over crowded like it did in Japan , they'll just introduce 1 child per family law, and build up, there's plenty sky if we run out of earth, , nice try again George , but no cigar buddy, sorry?,,come beddy if you say you are who say you are then you need just alittle bit more solid evidence,,,instead of multi flawed ideas,,its ok to give in to it now if you want George to save your sanity, ill be here if you need to talk to someone?? Give me some more ideas buddy come on
yeah thanks i know now,like this" im going back to my abode and getting stoned" yes?...lol
George buddy you ideas great but do you honestly think there's any need to put abodes in pyrimids etc etc,, if the world gets over crowded like it did in Japan , they'll just introduce 1 child per family law, and build up, there's plenty sky if we run out of earth, , nice try again George , but no cigar buddy, sorry?,,come beddy if you say you are who say you are then you need just alittle bit more solid evidence,,,instead of multi flawed ideas,,its ok to give in to it now if you want George to save your sanity, ill be here if you need to talk to someone?? Give me some more ideas buddy come on

city in pyramid
