I am the Christ- the King- the Messiah- the Lord- the Chosen One- the Savior- the Anointed One! OMG!

Extreme Technology: Nano-Robotics | PBS HD Documentary


Crazy $hit.


my friend, you are wrong in saying you are the one, and i find it quite insulting that someone is imatating god ,, which is me ,that's a fact,,,,,,i am the one and are prepared to answer any off your arguments,,i am not joking son,,its me for real
my friend, you are wrong in saying you are the one, and i find it quite insulting that someone is imatating god ,, which is me ,that's a fact,,,,,,i am the one and are prepared to answer any off your arguments,,i am not joking son,,its me for real

Please explain why you are "God".

Please explain why you are "God".

your taking your time to answer me , what's wrong have you met your match, why don't u know your dreaming when i do? Please keep it simple, my freind, if you talk to me you might find me quite. Interesting, in not hear to judge you, but you claiming to be me?
because i know when im having a dream, i can realize when im dreaming, can you my freind,its a simple question please don't over think it

No, when I am dreaming, I usually believe its really happening.

How does that make you "God"? just because you realize you're dreaming?

your taking your time to answer me , what's wrong have you met your match, why don't u know your dreaming when i do? Please keep it simple, my freind, if you talk to me you might find me quite. Interesting, in not hear to judge you, but you claiming to be me?

I'm not claiming to be God.

Do you believe that you are God?

[QUo r OTE="Nevaeh420, post: 10726556, member: 460873"]I'm not claiming to be God.

Do you believe that you are God?

who r u then?
am the Christ- the King- the Messiah- the Lord- the Chosen One- the Savior- the Anointed One! OMG!,,,,,,this is what u r claimin
I am claiming to be Christ- the Prophet.

I wouldn't want to be God.

so if you Christ and im god , then am i right in saying you are son, if yes then id like you to stop claiming your my son, im finding it very insulting
I have already provided a copious amount of evidence about Myself.

Do I even need to say more?

Its either that you have been following Me or you are lost, and you have no idea what I am talking about.

This thread is going to get very long, pay attention.

If you want to read about Me, go to the link below.


If you want to read about Me, go to the link above.

It might take you a few hours to read through all of that thread, but if you are interested in Christ, its worth the time to read and watch My videos.

This thread will be based off of the link below.


This thread will be based off of the link above.

Consider this thread a continuation of that link.

I will try and answer all of your question aboout Me- the Christ.

This thread is going to be about Me- the Christ.

Check out the link below, and read it till the end.


Check out the link above, and read it till the end.

Grab some popcorn, smoke a joint, and prepare to be entertained.

I am the Christ, this is a fact to Me. I am the Messiah, this is a fact to Me. I am the Savior, this is a fact to Me. I am a god, this is a fact to Me. I am the Lord, this is a fact to Me. I am the Chosen One, this is a fact to Me.

If you have some time to kill, and you want to see what I am going to be debating about, check out the link below.


If you have some time, and you want to see what I am going to be debating about, check out the link above.

Try and disprove or debunk anything that I have said in that link.

This thread is going to get real long, take some notes, because I dont want to keep repeating Myself.

I love all of you guys.

I look forward to answering your questions. Remember, this thread is about Me- the Christ.

seriously my freind you need to stop imatating my son Jesus, for i am god, and you know how powerfull and angry i can get, you've got one last chance, or i will haunt you in you dreams,seriously stop it,