I am sure this is authentic!

It's been so long can't remember.. which ever one is closest to South Street.
Ah, you might be talking about Jim's. Jims is the black n white tiled spot at 4th n south. Super popular with visitors and south st strollers, inspiration for that heinous combination the philly taco - a huge slice of Lorenzo pizza wrapped around a steak sandwich and eaten like a taco. Jims is right up there with Pats and Genos.

Joes is up in N. Libs and the 2nd one is way up in Mayfair. More obscure but still well known and respected
Maybe its Gino's? Which one has all the pics of stars that have been there? I know we hit em all at one point or another! Great times
Maybe its Gino's? Which one has all the pics of stars that have been there? I know we hit em all at one point or another! Great times
A lot of them post those pics. Genos is down in S philly, the whole joint is outdoors. Pat's is just across the street, same set-up. Both spots open 24-7, 365. Home to dozens of brawls, some drive bys and all kinds of assorted drunken fuckery. But it's classic philly

Jims usually has a line but you order inside and they have seating and beer too.
Maybe its Gino's? Which one has all the pics of stars that have been there? I know we hit em all at one point or another! Great times
Jim's on South has tons of celeb pix all over. I always liked eattin there cuz you could grab your grub and eat upstairs whilst looking down onto all the fun happenings on South St down below.
Tourists will mainly go to pats and Genos but imo Jim's has the better cuts. I axed one of the guys once which section of the animal it came from N I can't for the life a me remember now.