I am sick of people asking for sources


Well-Known Member
and then complaining when the source happens to be a bias website or news organization.

News flash, all media sources are bias.

It just so happens there are more liberal sources than conservative ones. A lot more.

The only things not bias are facts and quotes. If those just so happen to come from a bias news organization, so be it.

Facts are still the truth and quotes are still facts. Doesn't matter what the bias is.

This goes for both parties, stop complaining about the source. People should have the common sense to know that if something is said on video, then it is real and ACTUALLY was said in real life.

How can that NOT be fact?


Well-Known Member
No...the source is important. Things are often taken out of context, and just because somebody said it on video...well you know:blsmoke:



Well-Known Member
^ what he said. im also tired of seeing all of these tired of seing this an that threads. hope it all works out well for ya tho :eyesmoke:


Well-Known Member
Just saying. And if someone takes something out of context and tries to use it as a source then yes obviously its not one. Anyone with a hair of intelligence can figure out when something is being taken out of context.

And just because someone said it on video...no, I don't know.

It's extremely difficult to doctor a video to change the words of what the person says as well as the forming of the persons lips.


Well-Known Member
^ what he said. im also tired of seeing all of these tired of seing this an that threads. hope it all works out well for ya tho :eyesmoke:
I'm just saying, people fail to believe facts just because the source has an opposite bias to their own.

It's a classic example of the childish behavior "my way or the highway" and I actually see it quite often.

In my life, my way is the high way, but that's completely different. :joint::joint:


Well-Known Member
sources are important my man. if not you turn into fox news, with their classic:

some say, some may say, there's some that say......................................................


Active Member
I have no sympathy for em...... I think the media brought this all on themselves. If they would just state the facts and leave the dicisions up to the people but they try to package it to meet whatever point of view they want you to see.


stays relevant.
Cant make a story interesting by just stating the facts. Shit gets hyped up to keep us interested. Get used to it.
This is a dumb thread.

you can find news that has little or no bias, just find sources that dont have a vested interest in the topic in some round about way. Another amazing concept is getting your news from several different opposing sources.

no matter your party affiliation, if you fail to provide sound premise for your argument, you will lose.

Hypothetical situation: You have to write a paper for school. If you dont have valid sources, will you pass? Hell NO!!!


This is a dumb thread.

you can find news that has little or no bias, just find sources that dont have a vested interest in the topic in some round about way. Another amazing concept is getting your news from several different opposing sources.

no matter your party affiliation, if you fail to provide sound premise for your argument, you will lose.

Hypothetical situation: You have to write a paper for school. If you dont have valid sources, will you pass? Hell NO!!!
Uhhh.... I would love to know what these news sources are. They must be incredibly popular, being free of bias and all. :roll:

Illegal Smile

In an intelligent civil debate, facts are either stipulated as true or they are in dispute and need to be argued with evidence. Around here the problem is few know what the word "fact" means. it is not a fact to say Bush lied about WMDs nor is it a fact to say Obamacare will destroy the economy. Both are interpretations and hurling interpretations back and forth might be fun but it gets nowhere.


Well-Known Member
I bet our government loves it, so much shitty bias unbelievable news that even the true stuff can get ignored or discredited, they can do whatever they want now then call the evidence a conspiracy.

Illegal Smile

It has always been this way. Go back and read old newspapers from around 1800. Front page news read like partisan blogs.
and then complaining when the source happens to be a bias website or news organization.

News flash, all media sources are bias.

It just so happens there are more liberal sources than conservative ones. A lot more.

The only things not bias are facts and quotes. If those just so happen to come from a bias news organization, so be it.

Facts are still the truth and quotes are still facts. Doesn't matter what the bias is.

This goes for both parties, stop complaining about the source. People should have the common sense to know that if something is said on video, then it is real and ACTUALLY was said in real life.

How can that NOT be fact?
I know. But as long as it's a major media news source I'm happy. :hump: :hug: :hump:


Well-Known Member
I think popularity doesn't necessarily have a lot to do with being unbiased - it's more about how flashy and entertaining they are. If you want more unbiased news, I'd say you'll have better luck with BBC than Fox or MSNBC. They're not perfect, but better IMO. Still, I watch/listen to the biased ones plenty... I like my entertainment.

Uhhh.... I would love to know what these news sources are. They must be incredibly popular, being free of bias and all. :roll: