i am scared :((


okay so Saturday i have a mouth swab test to get a new job this job is really really important my fiance lost his job and we have been at rock bottom since well i have this job i just have to pass a drug test i know all about he urine test so i am just gonna prepare for that too but my friend works at the same place she just got hired and that is the test but i have a few questions!!

what is the furthest beck it can pick up for thc no other drugs than that i have been good :roll: so i have herd any where from 12 hrs to 3 days!!

also has anyone ever herd of the lollipop test where they make u suck on a lollipop before the test ? i saw this online?

i have already smoked today do you think it will affect me? i have a super fast metabolism sooo.. and i am tiny so would that help any??

and tokers keep tokin :joint:


Well-Known Member
the swab blood and hair tests will date back farther than the piss test. they just test the P and throw it away. with swab,blood,and hair, they can gather the drug substances in your saliva/blood/hair, carbon date it and tell exactly how long ago that you did it. its just like how they carbon date rocks and artifacts to tell how old they are. they do shit with 1 dimentional graphs of dna and colors change from the drug reacting to some solution. also with the swab,blood,and hair test, they keep these and your dna profile goes into the system of millions of other peoples dna. but if they carbon date it back farther than 90, they cannot deny you a job for that. 90 day cut off limit, but dna goes in system. Gotta stay clean for 90 days.


the swab blood and hair tests will date back farther than the piss test. they just test the P and throw it away. with swab,blood,and hair, they can gather the drug substances in your saliva/blood/hair, carbon date it and tell exactly how long ago that you did it. its just like how they carbon date rocks and artifacts to tell how old they are. they do shit with 1 dimentional graphs of dna and colors change from the drug reacting to some solution. also with the swab,blood,and hair test, they keep these and your dna profile goes into the system of millions of other peoples dna. but if they carbon date it back farther than 90, they cannot deny you a job for that. 90 day cut off limit, but dna goes in system. Gotta stay clean for 90 days.

but its saturday today is thursday!!
so u dnt think i could pass it?


Well-Known Member
February 1st, 2010 at 8:07 am CJ – If you can stop smoking for like, 3 days before you go in you’ll be golden. If not just brush the inside of your mouth(cheeks, tounge, gums, teeth) 2-3 times before leaving for the test. Once you are there put listerine strips in each cheek and one on your tounge. It burns a bit but all they will pick up is clean saliva and listerine.
Like Sarah said, they are testing your cells not your saliva. It’s not hearsay, I’m currently working with a drug testing facility right now. So I am taking a mouth swab test about every month or so and I haven’t stopped smoking.
I have never failed a drug test and I have never stopped smoking longer than 2 weeks. Just keep your mouth clean and you will be fine. If you want to try vinager I would go the white vinager route since it’s more acidic. But I would still use the listerine strips on site.
hope it helps.
lemon juice concentrate is pretty acidic as well.
im willing to bet if you quit for 3 days and used mouthwash like a mofo during the 3 days, then use the listerine strips on site, i would think you would be golden.
if its a urine test, use quick fix or dr green's agent X... synthetic urine. ive ised it at least half a dozen times with perfect results


Well-Known Member
and if its on sat, u might want to try rinsing your mouth out with whiting rinse or hydrogen peroxide.
not only will it give you shiny white chompers, it will remove the dead cells that contain the thc.....


Well-Known Member
OMFG! I had no idea they were using such crap!

I am really sorry you need this job so bad, cuz companies that behave like this should be told to fook off!

It costs lots of $$ to test...I wonder if those who have passed using various methods after a few days, actually never got sent to the lab?

I mean if you actually show up to pee...and it's up to temp...why waste 50 bucks???? Same thing with the swab...Carbon dating???? sounds pricey! If your driving the space shuttle...or a school bus sure...but if your busing tables or renting videos...:confused:

Nazi bastards!

ther are ways to beguile a piss test but once they take hair or blood, ur screwed cuz I'm guessing ur a girl and ur hair is probly long so it's gonna show years worth of drug history.


i am a girl :) and my hair is about to my shoulders if its urine i am going to take certo just in case i have used that various times and it works great i dnt waste 50 bucks on fake pee its 3 dollars at walmart :eyesmoke::) and iam defiantly gonna strip my mouth up lol and i am scared to do the peroxide thing cause i read that this dude had like the screaming throw ups after doing that :( but i am gonna do it and i am gonna brush my mouth like no tomorrow but i agree carbon dating seems a lil expensive to go thru all that XD hopefully they dnt send it off but with my luck they probably do
but is there any one on here thats actually gone thru this and has done something that has worked and what is the time frame u had?? thank u guys soo much for help :)


Well-Known Member

12-24 hour detection of drugs from saliva swab test. one of the best ones to be hit with if you have to take one, it will basically tell them that you have the motivation to at least not come to the interview high lol. my friend had to take a saliva test for a job without knowing he was going to be tested at all when he went in, we had smoked a bunch the night before. just to be safe, quit for a few days.. that way you will be covered if you decide to use a masking product for your urine. most of those require you to quit smoking for at least 72 hours before the test day anyways.

Sgt. Floyd

Well-Known Member
stay out of my body!!!!!! :cuss:
Been in the hash oil this morning, FDD?:bigjoint:

There are two types of swab tests; the ones they send out for testing and the ones that are cheap and disposable that use a built in test strip.

A guy I talked to that did drug testing for the county(parole, probation and child protective services) told me that the ones they send for testing are accurate up to around 45 days. The other ones, like someone else said, really just prove you can show up for the test sober. The max detection time for pot is two days and from everything I've read that is really pushing it. Its more like 12-24 hrs.


Well-Known Member
i'd say it depends on what kind of swab. i use to work for a pharmaceutical warehouse and they use to do random saliva testing. they came in individual packages and if u were called to take it there was a group of us and we had to go into the break room. you open it and its this piece of plastic with a cotton swab on the end of it and somethin u stick it into after youve had it in your mouth for about 5 minutes. BUT before you even stick it in your mouth, you have to drink a cup of water. if you keep some of that water in your mouth, like under your tongue in the jaw part, you wont produce any saliva, and thats where u put the cotton swab part at. and "voila" you pass. i also heard some very minty hard candy works but never tried it. hopefully this helps


Oracle of Hallucinogens
"okay so Saturday i have a mouth swab test to get a new job this job is really really important my fiance lost his job and we have been at rock bottom since well i have this job i just have to pass a drug test"

"i have already smoked today do you think it will affect me?"

It must not be that important if you can not give up smoking KNOWING you are taking a test. Grow up.


They sell a mouth wash or special shampoo that you can buy at head shops. They will work just lay off the smoke and you will be fine.


Well-Known Member
Been in the hash oil this morning, FDD?:bigjoint:

There are two types of swab tests; the ones they send out for testing and the ones that are cheap and disposable that use a built in test strip.

A guy I talked to that did drug testing for the county(parole, probation and child protective services) told me that the ones they send for testing are accurate up to around 45 days. The other ones, like someone else said, really just prove you can show up for the test sober. The max detection time for pot is two days and from everything I've read that is really pushing it. Its more like 12-24 hrs.
so you're cool with drug testing?


Active Member
If you dont smoke 24 hours before a swab you will be fine...I was on probation for two years and would get swabs all the time. I would smoke like 36 hours before the test and passsss, I also heard a rumor where putting salt in your mouth before the test helps.

Sgt. Floyd

Well-Known Member
so you're cool with drug testing?
I think its fucked up for preemployment testing. To deny somebody a job, or anything else, for smoking pot is ridiculous. However, I could give a shit about some of the meth cook mothers I saw having to get tested by DHS.