I am Moving


Well-Known Member
That's right! The two of three things I love the most in life are easily grown in Hawaii, Kona Coffee, and Puna Butter, the other thing I like the most isn't grown, well it grows but takes about 20 years, and is very curvy, with it's own sweet smells and intoxicating allure well I think you get the point.
But really I was just thinking, talking about grinders and it hit me, yup just like that. So when I finish HVAC school I am going to leave North Dakota, and move to Hawaii ha, big decision. Don't get me wrong I love the Nazi state of North Dakota, been here for five years, and thank god for them, have worked every day I've been here, for the most part on the oil fields, and saved enough money to go to school because of them, so North Dakota is a great state.
Well just thought I would share my epiphany will all the great people at "rollitup" So look out Hawaii, your about to get a short plump bald dude it you ranks....:bigjoint: