I Am Looking for Grow Friendly Rental in Colorado Springs


Well-Known Member
Hello fellow RIUers! Hope all is well. As the title states myself and a close friend of mine are looking for a rental property in the springs. We aren't looking to do anything large scale or commercial....just some hobbyist(both have red cards) that would like to grow in peace. We both have very well paying jobs(we bring in over $6k together and have pay stubs to prove this) and have great rental histories/references. We also understand that some grow friendly properties are going to charge more for the 'peace of mind'. We are willing to pay up $2K per month for rent. We are hard working, responsible people looking for a great place to live. Any help or recommendations would be much appreciated. PM or reply anytime. PEACE and PROSPERITY to all and THANX!!!!
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ive never seen people get hook ups for rentals, or housing on riu, probably why you arent getting any biters. Most users on here tend to keep to themselves in terms of personal face to face meetings with other members, unless of course they have created good friends with said person over many years of using the forum.
thanx for the reply sunni. i kinda guessed it was a shot in the dark...i appreciate you letting me know.(for a second when i saw ur name in my thread response i was shook! thought i f'd up! ha)
For that price you could buy a mobile home. Find a decent cheap 3 bdrm and convert the master bedroom to your shared grow room. They often have a master bath attached so you would have a water source right there as well. Paying $400 - $600 for lot rent versus paying $1500 or $2000 a month for rent would pay back any purchase cost in no time. Nobody can bitch about you hacking up walls for vents or adding walls to create separate veg and flower area. If you dont get too destructive at the end of it all you can probably get a large chunk of your money back by selling the home.
i heard mobile homes are BIG time fire hazard. im kinda willing to pay 15-2000k/mnth for something with an 600-1000sf unfurn. basement(NO AC NEEDED!) and peace of mind(growing in trailer court not my most ideal location)....just saying.....But much respect for you chiming in on this thread. I really appreciate that. im prolly just goin to rent somewhere and in a year or two just buy something on some acres. then what i do wont be a concern. once again thanx for sharing you opinion. it is much appreciated. Peace and prosperty
i heard mobile homes are BIG time fire hazard. im kinda willing to pay 15-2000k/mnth for something with an 600-1000sf unfurn. basement(NO AC NEEDED!) and peace of mind(growing in trailer court not my most ideal location)....just saying.....But much respect for you chiming in on this thread. I really appreciate that. im prolly just goin to rent somewhere and in a year or two just buy something on some acres. then what i do wont be a concern. once again thanx for sharing you opinion. it is much appreciated. Peace and prosperty
I hear ya. Not sure why someone would think a mobile home is more of a fire hazard, that really doesn't make any sense. Parks are a different story, but honestly no one would know unless you are stinking up the place or selling. Good luck though, hope you find a place.
thanx for ur advice. I appreciate it. Im def not sayin that the fire hazard thing is truth...i might be wrong. guess i will check into it......and purchasing a mobile. peace
I'm here in the springs and may be away for work in a month or two.

Problem is of the owner knows then he's liable if it's not 100% legal. He could lose his property. So realistically it's best to not tell them your plans when you're renting to be honest that way if you get caught breaking laws he keeps his house.

I also believe there's restrictions on distance to schools for growing in home and also the house must be in an approved zone and the HOA must know if that area has it. I may be reading the laws wrong tho.
I just found one! It comes with a 600 sf growroom. Of course im paying a lot for it....but hopefully it will pay off. Thanx for the response.
4 br,2k sf + growroom, 2500 a month. Thanx! CL is starting to have grow friendly properties. Just expensive but i guess I can deal with it since I get the piece of mind of not worrying bout my landlord or property management company.
My property management company found my veg tent today. Ugh....7 days before i sign my lease at my grow friendly house. They didnt actually confirm it and of course i denied denied denied. They want it out but arent really being A-holes. Even though im paying out the ass for my new spot at least i will get somepeace of mind.
Looks clean, grats!
Thanx Yoda. No more tent for me! well maybe for some veggin. Hope all is well with ya Yoda. Peace. Btw thanx everyone for ur advice(even Sunni)! Happy Growing yall!