"I Am Legend"


Master of Mayhem
YouTube - I Am Legend trailer

I can't wait for this shit to come out. I heard a saying once when I was a kid that went something like:

Your the last person on Earth...your sitting in your living room.....there's a knock at the door.....
Isn't that some creepy shit...LOL.Now this movie is about to come out, I can't wait to see it. I hope it isn't a flop:blsmoke::peace:


Well-Known Member
Im sure it wont be a flop. The trailors kind of remind me of the old 70's movie: Omega Man.


Well-Known Member
They are both based on the book I am Legend by William Matheson written in 1954. There was also a Twilight Zone episode (the B&W original series) loosley based on the book as well as a movie starring Vincent Price in the lead role named The Last Man on Earth.


Master of Mayhem
There was also a Twilight Zone episode (the B&W original series) loosley based on the book as well as a movie starring Vincent Price in the lead role named The Last Man on Earth.
That's where I heard that from...thanks Dankie. I knew I had heard that saying when I was a kid, but for the life of me I could not remember from where (imagine that).


Well-Known Member
It looks really cool, Will Smith is a great actor and the plot of the movie seems really deep

I'll definitely see it


Well-Known Member
yeah, dying to see it. I just hope they have a decent pirated divx version.
I'm such a theif. The twilight zone episode... is that the one with the guy who likes to read, finds himself the only man alive and breaks his glasses???
that episode made me so sad.


Master of Mayhem
yeah, dying to see it. I just hope they have a decent pirated divx version.
I'm such a theif. The twilight zone episode... is that the one with the guy who likes to read, finds himself the only man alive and breaks his glasses???
that episode made me so sad.
I'm like that too man. I will try everything in my power to rip a movie off of the internet befor I pay those high ass theater prices...and yes...that was the Twilight Zone episode.


Well-Known Member
yeah, dying to see it. I just hope they have a decent pirated divx version.
I'm such a theif. The twilight zone episode... is that the one with the guy who likes to read, finds himself the only man alive and breaks his glasses???
that episode made me so sad.
That was the episode, and I may be mistaken, but William Matheson wrote that episode, along with a host of other classic Twilight Zone episodes!

Rememberr when the only TV shows that used to have marathons were Twilight Zone and Alfred Hitchcock presents.


Too many brownies
Any type of movies involving the survival/extinction of mankind whether it be a few individuals or just one man are my favorite. Thats why I love zombie films so much.

I really cant wait to see this.

Oh and anyone see any previews for the IronMan movie? YouTube - Iron Man Preview
YouTube - Iron Man

From the preview it seems like he starts out with a prototype but builds a bad ass suit eventually...I love Ironman....and black sabbath isnt bad either hahaha


Well-Known Member
That was the episode, and I may be mistaken, but William Matheson wrote that episode, along with a host of other classic Twilight Zone episodes!

Rememberr when the only TV shows that used to have marathons were Twilight Zone and Alfred Hitchcock presents.
Cant forget Star Trek, In Search Of... & TheHoneyMooners. They all had marathons back in the day too.

yeah, dying to see it. I just hope they have a decent pirated divx version.
I'm such a theif. The twilight zone episode... is that the one with the guy who likes to read, finds himself the only man alive and breaks his glasses???
that episode made me so sad.
This 2007....You know they will. Watch it online while its still in theaters. :twisted:

me too, i liked the movie" 28 Days Later." it seems like i am legend has elements of this movie.
Its the other way around....But I get your point.


Just some idiot
Richard Matheson wrote it, the book is good. The movie looks like a totally different story. But Hollywood changes everything...lol. I was excited but I'm dissappointed that it's not like the book. Also The Last Man on Earth and Omega Man are based on the book, Last Man is pretty close to book. matheson also wrote for Twilight Zone. And a million of his books have turned into movies.....The Incredible Shrinking Man, Stir of Echoes, Duel, etc.

The movie looks good but nothing like the book IMO from what I have read or heard. I also highly recommend reading Matheson he is a great writer IMO.

Oh and I am Legend was written in 1952 or 1955 so he didn't rip anyone they ripped him...he started it all

Richard Matheson - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


Well-Known Member
anybody read stranger in a strange land. I've been trying to get my wife to read it but I don't think she's really into sci fi... but that book was soooo much more.

the only movies I've watched based on books that I had read prior to seeing the movie...
both philip k dick.
one was blade runner and the movie was RETARTED.
the other was a scanner darkly... the movie was actuallly pretty good. although I really don't like kianu reeves. but the matrix trilogy was pretty good too.