Well-Known Member
it was 15 hours ago, i went with my friend in my 2002 Mercedes 230 coupe to a movie rental got a DVD then passed by a drive through took sandwiches and as i was leaving, a maniac driver came straight to my side door at high speed with a BIG Land Rover 4x4 and hit me hard, the car was displaced like 12feet! The left side airbags both opened up flawlessly, supporting the lower body and my head from the left, and i went out of the car intact! only feeling disoriented from the shock but not even a headache or anything! I have been driving for 14 years now and this is my first car to car collision. The airbag is a great invention
i mean if it hadn't been, the least i could expect now is to be in a hospital with my head injured and a broken arm, that is if i would survive such a head injury. Mercedes Benz is awesome! The car is 2002 model, that airbag has been sitting there for 10 years now waiting for the right time to work and it did what it's supposed to do!
Just wanted to share this story, as i am still feeling the thrill right now.
Cheers to a new life!

Just wanted to share this story, as i am still feeling the thrill right now.
Cheers to a new life!