I am having wild ph fluctuations in turbo klone


New Member
Hey, this is my 1st time using a turbo kroner. I took healthy clones, scraped crabium layer, and inserted them into sleeves. Temps are 78 degrees constantly, etc. My damn ph goes from the heigh 5's to almost 9 in the course of 8 hours. Wtf? I'm using tap water that is 100 ppm, and that is it. I have to constantly put PH down in, but these fluctuations are really effing with my roots. 9 days, and no bumps yet. I get better times with a dome, and rapid rooters. Can someone please help me, and tell me why the fluctuations, and how to stop it. Thanks in advance.


Well-Known Member
Ok, here goes. Ph affects nutrient uptake only and nutes are only taken by the roots. With no roots there is no nutes and there is absolutely no need to try and adjust ph because it will not stabilize. take this advice as u may but i have only ever done hydro, i use only tap water and never adjust ph in my cloners and with my current 12 strains all root in less than 12 days, most around 8-9.


New Member
Thanks. I thought that too, but I also thought it may affected it, and wanted to be sure. In the FAQ's for the machine it says to adjust it down to 5 a day before you start. Makes sense about the roots though.


Well-Known Member
ph adjusters are not a good idea to add to clones specially in bigger quantities
Water is way too warm for a cloner. You want 55 F or you will get wild fluctuation in pH. At least that has been my experience.


Well-Known Member
Bad advice. 55 is too cold for any stage, consistantly, but especially in a cloner where you want and need warmer temps. 75-78 is perfect for rooting. ive seen cold temps triple root time.


Well-Known Member
duke you are probably referring to a water temp of established roots, like in veg or flowering. even then I wouldnt go lower than 65.
Warm temps for clones, cold temps for roots.


Well-Known Member
I love my turbokloner, it works perfect for me. I use straight tap water. here tap water is about 450-500 ppm and I do ph down to 5.2-5.3 because it will drift back up past 7 in a few days. and there is a reason to ph tap water that has that much minerals in it (cal and mag!) for a better uptake when roots do start to form in about 8-9 days, 14 days and the roots are a good 2-3 inches long. I bring the ph back down once after the first week and keep temps at 72-78 and bam, they're going to beer cups in 2 weeks, all of them everytime.


Well-Known Member
Why does the PH rise without the addition of anything? Air? I have never adjusted PH but I use jiffy pots and a humidor for my clones and mist them every 24hrs.


Well-Known Member
And almost forgot 55.........WTF........When do plants like 55 at any time? Duke! Duke! come on now lol.