I am GOD

NOT only a friend but a GOD...

SATAN wants you to eat stale cookies.

And have sex with dirty sluts...

I do not approve making fun of god.. He may be the one to save your *ss in sticky situations


Well-Known Member
This is lame,We love 1 did the same stupid shit with the youtube videos and I scared his lame ass out of here. If you are to be who you say you are, then you would be more creative with your text; and not promise something that you as a human being cant bring forth. I provide the truth,god provides lies' and misery.

People, ask god what he has done lately for you. When you get bored waiting for no response,ill be there to give you your answer.

:fire:God does nothing:fire:

:fire:God brings pain and misery:fire:

:fire:God is a self loathing piece of shit:fire:


Well-Known Member
God is revealing himself! The moment of Truth is upon all of us. What are you going to do with this? This is our birthright!
I demand freedom!
Demand freedom!!!!! This is our birthright! All of us are God! The man does not want us to know the TRUTH! But it is upon us now! Wake up!


Well-Known Member
Damn, you caught me.All right, I am Nancy, the god of yarn.
i'm sorry, but that position has been filled by a retired librarian in tacoma. we do have an opening for a god of yams if you'd like. if you squint, the titles look about the same. yes, i think nancy, god of yams, is just the right job for you. we'll expect you to arrive for work at 4:00 a.m. monday morning, we can fill out all the necessary paperwork then.

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
Sounds good.Soon, I will rule the world on my throne of mashed yams....
i'm sorry, but that position has been filled by a retired librarian in tacoma. we do have an opening for a god of yams if you'd like. if you squint, the titles look about the same. yes, i think nancy, god of yams, is just the right job for you. we'll expect you to arrive for work at 4:00 a.m. monday morning, we can fill out all the necessary paperwork then.


Well-Known Member
Soon, I will rule the world....
there are a few minor regulations we here at the Global Organization of Deities (GOD) have agreed upon over the eons and i'm afraid world domination is one of the big no-nos. you should be recieving your certification and information packet shortly, provided we can wake up herman the god of special delivery. it includes the by-laws, a brief history of our organization and the necessary contracts and disclaimers. welcome to the club.

DoN - god of underachievers

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
Well...alright.I sure hope there's no piss test.Is there a god of clean UA's?I hope the health insurance is good.
there are a few minor regulations we here at the Global Organization of Deities (GOD) have agreed upon over the eons and i'm afraid world domination is one of the big no-nos. you should be recieving your certification and information packet shortly, provided we can wake up herman the god of special delivery. it includes the by-laws, a brief history of our organization and the necessary contracts and disclaimers. welcome to the club.

DoN - god of underachievers


Well-Known Member
wtf is up with these religion freaks on pot forums, seriously, isn't it against religion to force a belief upon others? kinda like slavery


Well-Known Member
Where is your evidence for any religion being forced upon anyone? You are the only one in control of what you believe. Nothing ever can be forced upon anyone without submission. So.............try ignoring shit you aren't comfortable with. Kind of like an ADULT ignores an immature infant tantrum.