I am Clayton Bigsby

I'm the real Clayton Bigsby all you other Clayton Bigsby's are just imitating so won't the real Clayton Bigsby please stand up please stand up.

I don't give a fuck if you don't like my shit cause I was high when I wrote this so suck my dick.:bigjoint:

If you don't know who's lyrics I'm quoting you are probably cooler than me. Lol
Ia m justugh. I tipe reely god andi no everything aboat everthingan d if i dont ill just mak eshit up. Ill right walls of textes that i accpect u 2 reed andi doent have any cents of huemour whatsoeverz. Imc razy and I rape amish peopel, thats y dey coll me the amish fucker. I dont get whie u all lik trolling and cox so much. cuz im not ghey. I drik munshine and smokea pond of dabz evry day, and im tuffer then u. oh, andi m crzay so if u fuk wit me u batter kil me. Ill be bak sune to right alot more bulshit,thanks 4 yor time...
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