I am a Victim of Marijuana Abuse.


Well-Known Member
I really don't believe in hitting women...or should i say i use to believe in not hitting women!

Maybe its just me but if ANYONE poured anti-freeze in my plants i'd feel the need to just pop them a right fist on the chin. male or female.

I think we (as a whole) let women get away with way more than we'd let a man get away with & they KNOW this. Thats why you have crazy bitches doing crazy things; cuz they know theres no serious consequence to their actions.

You should have tried flushing IMMEDIATELY! (or is that what you did?)

either way you'll be fine making hash or some other type of extraction. i wouldn't smoke the buds though. sorry for your loss.


Well-Known Member
Dude I read this first thing in the morning, and I thought you were saying you gave your dog antifreeze for eating your stash. Lol.

Put some eyedrops in that bitches cereal milk on a really important day to her. Does she do anything besides sit around and feel entitled and self important all day?


Well-Known Member
humm, more like a drop or two of some strong laxative in her coffee or something, on a very important day..


Well-Known Member
2 reasons not to overdo it though

laxative´s have distinctive taste, but if its a strong one, a few drops might induce a hurried rush to the toilet or possibly shitting herself at an opportune moment.

too much would mean a trip to the hospital and possibly shitting herself to death, (fucking doubtful, shit tastes bad usually)

but personally id feel happy about her shitting herself in public bit :)


Well-Known Member
I dunno, situation sucks balls...SOunds like you handled it like a man, just put that drama out of your life...No need for retaliation, because that will just create more problems down the line, especially with a vindictive psycho like her. So yeah, you moved her ass out, now just keep her outta your life. Good job keeping your cool, Raw.


Active Member
What kind of antifreeze was it, do you know?

I think ethylene glycol and the other stuff they use ought to wash away in water. A water cure might be the answer. Perhaps somebody who knows some chemistry can chime in? My knowledge of chemistry is limited to cooking and making ISO hash :)

You don't have to completely eliminate the antifreeze, just get it down to safe levels. Your body can tolerate a little bit of that stuff without harm.


Ursus marijanus
Antifreezes are either ethylene or propylene glycol, along with silicates and other trace ingredients. That's why I think water curing (the glycols are drawn out very effectively by water) is a preferred save mode. The glycols are also insoluble in butane.
Ethylene glycol is a rather nasty toxin at a fairly high dose. The body converts it to oxalate, which then locks up available calcium. Twitch shiver croak. Propylene glycol --> lactate, which is just food. cn


Well-Known Member
I cut the plants within a few minutes of her dumping it in the pots. I doubt it sucked any up.. a friend was telling me to wait & not cut them.. I was like Fk that, no way I am letting these plants soak that up.


Well-Known Member
I am feeling better today.. Doing bigger & better things w/ my ladies ! I will get some updates soon. <3

Tahoe OG is coming along. :D Nice little pistil clusters.


Well-Known Member
oh the revenge thing was meant more as a pissy joke (antifreeze is deadly yeah?)

you are handling this great btw comrade rawbudski :)


Active Member
Don't forget to change your locks and keep some sharp weapons hidden/accessible around your place in case she/friends returns in force. Bitches like act that aren't done yet.

Sr. Verde

Well-Known Member
&& this morning I foundout all my PH UP was poured into my res.. thank god I am not doing Hydro right now..

I check PH before watering an hour ago & it says 9.6 o_O I am cleaning/checking/double checking EVERYTHING in my grow room before it gets fed to my plants.. Depressing weekend. I am going to buy new PH up/down & nutes this weekend. Not risking it.
You will get that shit down... I'm sure.....

pH up and down is cheap........ and plants come and go........ at least she didn't start a fire, or some shit...

you still have your lights, and equipment right? You'll be good just replace cheap stuff 8)

Good call on the tacos by the way.


Well-Known Member
Damn thhats sucks bro.

My gf broke 3 mothers that I was giving away to thhis guy she didn't like cuz he used to date her sis.

Then she threatend to break all my current plants when we got in a big fight. I kknew she woldnt have the "balls" to do it cuz she knows what would happen.so they are still alive now thank god under lock and kkey..