I am 7 weeks into flowering and bottom leaves are yellowing and dropping


My girls are lookin real unhappy. Sum bs. I need help. Shud I pull tha big one before its to late. ? 8 weeks in. will the buds be affected if I let it keep goin? Im lost. Dont know what to do. Sad faced


Well-Known Member
I don't know what anyone else would tell you, besides you should look at the trichomes with a jewelers loupe or something to see how cloudy/amber the trichs are but..at 8 weeks, if i had to pull i would'nt be to upset about it, those nugs looks pretty good, they could probably go another week but they don't look bad


I don't know what anyone else would tell you, besides you should look at the trichomes with a jewelers loupe or something to see how cloudy/amber the trichs are but..at 8 weeks, if i had to pull i would'nt be to upset about it, those nugs looks pretty good, they could probably go another week but they don't look bad
I kinda figured that but they are all different and started blooming at different times.


Well-Known Member
some people count from seed, some give 2 weeks after sprout before they count..id think the only counting that id do to keep up with grow time would be during flowering stage, if your 8 weeks in, and have started flushing..just go on into week 9..they dont look that bad from the pics you've shown..there some browning leaves but i think thats normal at this stage


some people count from seed, some give 2 weeks after sprout before they count..id think the only counting that id do to keep up with grow time would be during flowering stage, if your 8 weeks in, and have started flushing..just go on into week 9..they dont look that bad from the pics you've shown..there some browning leaves but i think thats normal at this stage
I been counting since I started tha 12/12. Someone on here said dont count the first two weeks into flowering. So if flowing time is 60 days do u count 60 or wait two weeks after 12/12 when pistils show then start counting?


Well-Known Member
Don't start counting until like the second week of flowering, then your on week 1 of actual flowering


Well-Known Member
Plant looks ok, gets any worse and i would not like it. Definatly some fert or climate issues going on there but your right at the end of flowering, did you hit it with any ferts a week or two back when we were all talking and if so what ferts and what was the results a few days after?

Seems like you will make it just, always touch and go when a plant starts degrading at the end of flowering but buds look close to being done, week or two and they should be good, bud leaves dying is not the greatest sign though. Peace


Plant looks ok, gets any worse and i would not like it. Definatly some fert or climate issues going on there but your right at the end of flowering, did you hit it with any ferts a week or two back when we were all talking and if so what ferts and what was the results a few days after?

Seems like you will make it just, always touch and go when a plant starts degrading at the end of flowering but buds look close to being done, week or two and they should be good, bud leaves dying is not the greatest sign though. Peace
A friend gave me some floeering food and it didnt seem to help. I think I may have drainage issues so I made more holes at the bottom and it is texas and it is hot as hell. I have been putyin them in shady area during the day so its not jus str7 sun so idk. I hope they stay aight for last few weeks. I will keep ya posted.


My bitch ass dog pulled one up. Its mostly sativa. Bout week 9. Will the green still be good. I got it hanging now. Finna post a pic