I am 7 weeks into flowering and bottom leaves are yellowing and dropping


Well-Known Member
Feed them with some veg food, that is higher in N.... Don't let people tell you that yellowing is supposed to happen near the end of flowering because that simple just isn't true.. If your feeding your plant the right way you shouldn't get any yellowing at all. That is a lack of nitrogen, won't hurt a bit to give them some N.. Just for example go look at Fox Farms feeding schedule, they tell you to add GROW BIG like the 4-5th week of flowering, grow big is veg food higher in N. If you don't give them some within 2 weeks every green leaf on your plant will die and yield will be affected


Well-Known Member
remember there is about a 2 week "transition stage" the plant goes thru when it starts flowering. So technically your around your 5th week of flowering, about the point where all store food has been depleted and now without feeding nitrogen it's just gonna completely kill your fan leaves


Feed them with some veg food, that is higher in N.... Don't let people tell you that yellowing is supposed to happen near the end of flowering because that simple just isn't true.. If your feeding your plant the right way you shouldn't get any yellowing at all. That is a lack of nitrogen, won't hurt a bit to give them some N.. Just for example go look at Fox Farms feeding schedule, they tell you to add GROW BIG like the 4-5th week of flowering, grow big is veg food higher in N. If you don't give them some within 2 weeks every green leaf on your plant will die and yield will be affected
Wow!!! Thats not sounding too good. Where would be a good place to get it and what brand is good?


remember there is about a 2 week "transition stage" the plant goes thru when it starts flowering. So technically your around your 5th week of flowering, about the point where all store food has been depleted and now without feeding nitrogen it's just gonna completely kill your fan leaves
So are the first two weeks included in the total flowering time? Say its a 8 week flower, do I let it go for 10?


Well-Known Member
Just about anything higher in N will work just fine. I use fox farm grow big because its a 1 part food, easy to use and really hard to burn your ladies. But like i said anything higher in N will do the job. Just don't go overboard, the yellowing won't go away but it will stop any further yellowing


Well-Known Member
Yer max you really got a good point about this \Nitrogen for flowering, i been using a balanced NPK during flowerin 8:8:8 for few weeks and its much better than whats recomended, last few weeks i go higher on the P and K but yer i need a good healthy supply of it for most of the flowering.

That plant dose look N deficient a lot, i can see it now. Definatly not potassium or phosphorous, got to be nitrogen looking that pale.

Can this guy post the results of adding a higher dose of nitrogen to these plants as i am really intrested in this particular thread, it dose indicate N deficiency and want to see results. Peace


Well-Known Member
Yer max you really got a good point about this \Nitrogen for flowering, i been using a balanced NPK during flowerin 8:8:8 for few weeks and its much better than whats recomended, last few weeks i go higher on the P and K but yer i need a good healthy supply of it for most of the flowering.

That plant dose look N deficient a lot, i can see it now. Definatly not potassium or phosphorous, got to be nitrogen looking that pale.

Can this guy post the results of adding a higher dose of nitrogen to these plants as i am really intrested in this particular thread, it dose indicate N deficiency and want to see results. Peace
i am kind of in the same boat as this guy...since i went to 32 oz. cups instead of 3 gal. pots i didnt realize the plants would eat everything in the soil much quicker, and i started 12/12 i have had to add FF grow big 4 times since they've started...after i realized they were deficient...but they are much healthier then my others in the big pots.


Well-Known Member
I would love to see them too... I don't know why most people drill that you gotta start flowering food right at 12/12 switch.. I think i'll start a crusade on "keepin the nitrogen going"... there would be alot less yellowing issues lol.. And King, ive been reading and i'm starting to think that the ratio's of P in alot of foods is wrong too..


Well-Known Member
i am kind of in the same boat as this guy...since i went to 32 oz. cups instead of 3 gal. pots i didnt realize the plants would eat everything in the soil much quicker, and i started 12/12 i have had to add FF grow big 4 times since they've started...after i realized they were deficient...but they are much healthier then my others in the big pots.

That's awsome dude, good to see some people are starting to catch on...


Well-Known Member
I would love to see them too... I don't know why most people drill that you gotta start flowering food right at 12/12 switch.. I think i'll start a crusade on "keepin the nitrogen going"... there would be alot less yellowing issues lol.. And King, ive been reading and i'm starting to think that the ratio's of P in alot of foods is wrong too..
dude...this comment should be in a fact guide or somethin...because it is a fact. IMO


Well-Known Member
You could also "foliar feed" with a veg food, that will green them up quicker then feeding thru the root system. Spray both sides of leaves either early morning (before sun is beating down) or late evening. Just not in direct sunlight


Well-Known Member
i should try that...but im the kind of guy who goes to mcdonalds and always gets the #11 ( fish sandwich meal) lol.


Well-Known Member
I would love to see them too... I don't know why most people drill that you gotta start flowering food right at 12/12 switch.. I think i'll start a crusade on "keepin the nitrogen going"... there would be alot less yellowing issues lol.. And King, ive been reading and i'm starting to think that the ratio's of P in alot of foods is wrong too..
I always seem a little P deficient in the veg room, bio bizz is well low on P for veg and just as low on N for flowering, not been scared to mix my veg and flower nutes to get an even npk ratio for the veg period as well but not stuck with any one formula for the veg period yet. Peace