I always heard drugs are bad? Help me clearify plzz


Well-Known Member
I don't understand this part of rollitup.org because everyone here seems to be on drugs that i've always imagined are really bad. I smoke as much weed as possible and i've done salvia. I know a lot of people here don't like salvia but i enjoy it occasionally and even though it can be most of the time scary, it still gives an insight to the human brain and how reality can be different.
anyway, my question is that how the hell are people on here smoking opium?!?!?! which is suppose to be one of the most addictive substance and living a normal life. I'm 18/19ish and go to college. I can imagine smoking weed everyday but not doing opium/dmt/shrooms etc becoz they are so much more hardcore.
are there any people here who are professionals (teachers/lawyers etc) who do these hardcore drugs and live a normal life. Please help clearify because i like drugs coz they help you open ur mind etc..


Well-Known Member
Things like opium are highly addictive but you just do it once in awhile then youll never build an addiction. Theres lots of smart people here who hold their own jobs and households and do "harder" drugs.


Well-Known Member
i own a small business, raise a 2 1/2yr old daughter by myself, pay my bills, handle my shit, am almost 30yrs old, and once a month or so i will party like a rock star. i usually eat MDMA(base substance found in ecstacy for those who dont know) but will eat shrooms occasionally, ill smoke some opium if its around, and i really like nitrous.

if you yourself dont think you can handle these things, dont try. its not for everyone. alot of people cant party like that and maintain a certain level of responsibility.


Well-Known Member
You want hardcore?! Try Datura! :twisted:

I've tried opium... it's chillaxin.
Straight up. datura will knock your shit in the dirt no matter who you are. Vivid hallucinations and ego separation, hope to god you live in a one story house.:mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
so have any of you ever felt addicted to it?? i mean, marijuana is not addictive but i wana smoke it every second of my life coz i enjoy it and if i say try opium n i really like it, i dont know what i'll do to stop myself coz i'll just go crazy on it. I also heard that if you do it for a bit and stop, you get really bad withdrawral symptoms.
How often would you recommend doing harddrugs during the course of a month to not get addicted. Could you say do mushrooms once a week and opium once a month?? nd get away with it??


Well-Known Member
you need to chill...its not even like that ive done alot of things in my life and i wouldnt consider myself addicted to any substance...as long as you do things in moderation and dont make it a habit....ive tried shrooms,XTC,Opium,opiates ect and i dont feel a need to continue doing it...its enjoyable and i like to do it but i dont do it all the time you have to keep things in moderation....

hope this helps...im kinda high so ya kno :)


Well-Known Member
you cant do shrooms every nite LOL...ur tollorance builds up quick and its not good to do it all the time and you wont feel the effect of them as much...your supposed to do them like once every 2 weeks or once a month.....

why would you smoke opium every day??? i like to enjoy it and do it on a saturday so i can relax and be comfortable and watch tv lol...but yea i think it i could be a normal person and smoke it everyday...but i wouldnt


Well-Known Member
so have any of you ever felt addicted to it?? i mean, marijuana is not addictive but i wana smoke it every second of my life coz i enjoy it and if i say try opium n i really like it, i dont know what i'll do to stop myself coz i'll just go crazy on it. I also heard that if you do it for a bit and stop, you get really bad withdrawral symptoms.
How often would you recommend doing harddrugs during the course of a month to not get addicted. Could you say do mushrooms once a week and opium once a month?? nd get away with it??
I've felt plenty addicted to marijuana at times. Just because it isn't opium doesn't mean you can't build your own mental addiction on pot, just the physical addiction isn't as servere as opiate addiction.

Seriously, smoke pot every day for a couple years and then stop cold turkey for a few days/weeks/months. Personally, I get short-tongued (I'm a natural smart-ass) and snap at people. I can't sleep anywhere near as easily as with pot (~4 hrs a night, max). There is marijuana withdrawl. I've known several people to get headaches when they stopped.

Don't think pot is harmless. First, I agree its great. I think pot it less dangerous than alcohol...but that doesn't mean that if you build your life around pot, that it wont make you lazy. You're entering a time in your life (18-19) where you will see people that go overboard on booze, pot, whatever and they will not be as successful as someone that keeps whatever "drug" they use in moderation.

Addiction starts in your brain. If you start doin' any drug alll day, every day then the results will not be good, other than "yeah dude, i was rocked for X straight days."

Doing shrooms, or opium, or a shit-ton of other drugs don't just "BAM, YOU'RE ADDICTED. NOW YOU WILL WAKE UP IN THE MORNING AND CRAVE SHROOMS AND BE MEAN IF YOU DONT GET THEM." I really can't think of anything that when kept to a weekly basis will cause crazy addiction problems.

Did you come from a town/family that kept secrets from you and/or fed you misinformation?


New Member
You definitely dont want to eat shrooms once a week. Some people do it but they turn into total retards. Besides, you would build a gnarly tolerance for the shit and your trips wouldnt even be that awsome


Well-Known Member
if ur naturally a weak person, ur gonna fall prey to the drug.

ive done everything that doesnt involve a needle, and the only one i do often is smokin cannabis. i did it for the experience.
salvia was cool, didnt leave me with a "ill do that again" feeling. everything else was like "wow that was nuts, ill do it again, but its def not an everyday thing".


Well-Known Member
you just got to handle you shit you kno...if pot messes you up to much then i dont think harder drugs would be for you...



Well-Known Member
but dya think u can smoke opium everyday n live a normal life? or shrooms every night?
Shrooms don't work like that, you build up a tolerance. I smoked opium everyday for a few weeks and I was fine, I stopped with no withdrawl, it's all about moderation. I would not call shrooms and opium "harcore", it sounds like you need to educate yourself...


Well-Known Member
Seriously, smoke pot every day for a couple years and then stop cold turkey for a few days/weeks/months. Personally, I get short-tongued (I'm a natural smart-ass) and snap at people. I can't sleep anywhere near as easily as with pot (~4 hrs a night, max).

Addiction starts in your brain. If you start doin' any drug alll day, every day then the results will not be good, other than "yeah dude, i was rocked for X straight days."

Did you come from a town/family that kept secrets from you and/or fed you misinformation?
Some excellent points and i would agree with most of it. When i go cold turkey i get proper bad nightmares but it's kinda kool although can be scary... nyway it doesn't kill me.
The point i'm tryna make is that i would agree that i am kinda mentally weak in controlling myself from doing something that i really like. I wouldnt say that i'm addicted to marijuana. I willingly want to smoke it all the time. It doesn't diminish my studies. it might do a tiny bit but it actually helps me want to learn because i can think about what i'm learning and trip balls on the information (i do some sciences :p) so it kinda amazes me more when i'm high and studying.
However, the thing about opium n stuff is that i also want to broaden spiritually coz i got a lot of questions about life and i think psycadellic stuff will help me through
with acquiring some of the answers.
I also dealt with some serious paranoia from marijuana last year and i know the bad side effects of atleast one drug and obviously that has to be considered.
I would like to say that im not suggesting that i wana smoke opium everyday or do mushrooms everyday. I just want to know what will happen incase i do fall victim to such circumstances because i value my college and i want to succeed in my education and go on to work a respectable job.
So, let's say that i do end up getting addicted to opium and wana smoke it everyday... Is opium like marijuana, as in you wana smoke it all the time or once a day/week?? every hour? Also, what sort of effects does it do to your concentration/focus etc?


Well-Known Member
look on errowid.org

it seems your kinda weak minded so i wouldnt suggest opium to you exspecially if you freak out on weed LOL


Well-Known Member
wtf is up with you and opium? i havnt done it but i sure as hell dont recomend you doing it. you seem like you would be very easily addicted(and obsessed)