I actually believe in God


As I type this sentence I know I'm probably going to get a heap of replies from non-believers crying and bitching about how they consider me ignorant, old fashioned, and so on. Regardless I wanted to share my thoughts.

First off, as the thread name implies, I believe in God. I've come to this belief not because of what others have told me, not because of my upbringing. I've come to believe in a higher power through personal experiences and thought. I've gone through spells where I told myself there cannot possibly be a God as there is far too much pain in suffering in the world. Justice is not served, right is trumped by wrong, and the world is generally a fucked up place (though this is just as God foretold it would be). But as I previously mentioned, events and personal revelations have always changed my mind. I just can't help but feel at times when I'm alone underneath the night sky gazing up into the heavens that there is someone gazing back at me.

I have come to the conclusion that pain is necessary. People want to argue that God and pain cannot coexist. After all what kind of "loving" God would allow all the evil in the world? What I think people need to ponder on is the fact that without problems, pain, and struggles we as individuals would never develop. Just as gold is refined by fire, there must be friction in our lives to bring about personal evolution. After all, one can observe that often times the most remarkable individuals throughout history have been those who have endured the most evil.

And another thing that I've seen people question is why God allows some people to die. And though I cannot answer all situations, I have to say that in some cases I must ask why God should save them at all? Especially in the case of those who do not believe or acknowledge him. Why should God come to your aid when you take no personal action to communicate or grow closer to him? I've even seen cases where people have been spared in what seemed to be a miracle, and still refused to acknowledge God. And yes I know there are horrible events, such as the death of a child :sad:, that seem cruel and needless. But from what I've read in personal study (and yes I'm referring to the Bible), all of mankind shall be resurrected and judged, and a great portion of mankind given another chance to live out a physical existence. I can't help but feel that God has the death of innocents covered (whether through immediate intervention or a later resurrection), but he cannot intervene in every instance as that would cause there to be no doubt of his existence. And I perceive that he wishes us to find him through faith rather than forced subjection.

Well, that's all I feel like writing right now. I would like to see what other users think and feel (good or bad) and I'll probably post on here time to time with my own thoughts.


Well-Known Member
I believe you have the right to believe what you want to believe.
Not my place to tell you. Your wrong or right.
If it make you whole. then so be it.


Mister Sister

Active Member
Cool man, thanks for sharing your thoughts.

I agree with you - it's hard to judge violence/evil from the perspective of flesh and bone. These moments are only miniscule fragments of the whole (infinite) story.

I believe in 'god' too. From the brilliant night sky, to the sleeziest motel in vegas, god is there, gazing back at us. Slowly calling us inward, toward his/her presence; a very noble cause. Love and respect, MS


Active Member
You go man. Believe your convictions, and don't let ANYONE convince you otherwise...

Keep the faith. The faith that you feel convicted to keep.

I admire you for feeling the way you do. I was raised a devout Christian, but in adult life I eventually doubted the existence of God. I am now revisiting my doubt. I would much rather have a REAL God to believe in. So, I'm open to that possibility. I hope it works for me. Because if this all happened as a chance occurrence of nature, then I wish it hadn't...


Well-Known Member
Hey OP. You seem like an intelligent person from your post, nice to see you in this subforum. I don't think you'll find much friction in this section stating what you believe, that's a large part of what goes on here. You're not stating anything as fact, and not asking anyone to share your beliefs based on your personal experiences. That's refreshing. Welcome to RIU, and to S&S&P...

little butch

Active Member
Welcome aboard ! You don't know me, but I too believe in god. My life has been pretty much a nightmare (see profile if desired) but I can not believe that a random accident created the wonders of our universe. Look at the complexity of every living thing. I am skeptical of the bible and other man manipulated dogma, but I can't believe everything was an accident. One way I look at it is; if you live your life in a caring, honest way, the worst that can happen is that you will die a loved and respected man. The best is that you may find out that there is a God and an afterlife. I would rather be considered a good man, than a fool. Peace & be kind


Well-Known Member
Welcome aboard ! You don't know me, but I too believe in god. My life has been pretty much a nightmare (see profile if desired) but I can not believe that a random accident created the wonders of our universe. Look at the complexity of every living thing. I am skeptical of the bible and other man manipulated dogma, but I can't believe everything was an accident. One way I look at it is; if you live your life in a caring, honest way, the worst that can happen is that you will die a loved and respected man. The best is that you may find out that there is a God and an afterlife. I would rather be considered a good man, than a fool. Peace & be kind
Why do you believe existence is either all an accident or created by God?

eye exaggerate

Well-Known Member
Well, I DON'T bel...

Just kidding, did y'all almost poop yer pants there? (lol)

Great post, sounds very calm and mature.


Well-Known Member
Why do you believe existence is either all an accident or created by God?
A believer believes that God makes no mistakes and that He knows all.

Best example I can give atm is the bang theory, it could very well be what happened, but to a believer that would be God's work and planned, not an accident.


Well-Known Member
I'm in between an Agnostic and a Theist.

Sometimes I believe God has to be real because He created EVERYTHING and sometimes I don't see much proof for God besides creation.

I just don't believe in most of the fairy tales in the Bible, but there has to be some factual history in there but I can't discern the real from the fake.

Welcome to RIU, Greenkid777. We need more believers blogging on here to even out the "playing field". Stick around bud!



Well-Known Member
A believer believes that God makes no mistakes and that He knows all.

Best example I can give atm is the bang theory, it could very well be what happened, but to a believer that would be God's work and planned, not an accident.
But why the dichotomy? Either existence is "an accident" with no creator, or created by a creator, but why are those the only two options?

Why couldn't existence simply happen by natural processes and what we experience is the result of that?


Active Member
I dont believe in any god, if you do thats cool, as long as you dont shove it down people's throats. To each their own just not for me :)


Just something I was thinking about today and thought I'd share it.

Though I consider myself religious, I can't help but avoid denominations. The main reason I find myself doing this is what I feel to be a skewed view of God. Now before I go any further I'd like to affirm that I no means believe that all of my personal perceptions of life, God, morality, etc. are correct. Nevertheless I can't help but shudder whenever I hear the common baptist/protestant/(insert denomination) "catch phrases." Lines such as "just let Jesus into your heart!" Don't get me wrong, I understand where these came from, but they only serve to cheapen God as a whole to me. People act as if God is this mindless teddy bear in the sky that is pre-programmed to bless and curse in specific situations the same way every time. And as long as you stand in front of a group of people and "confess your sins", that you are now allowed to feel good about yourself and look down upon the rest of mankind. I suppose what I'm really trying to say is that I believe that God to has emotions. Obviously they would be different of a different depth than that of a human being. But if we are made in his image, than are we not mirror images of him in a way? Certainly on a much more minuscule and flawed level, but a sort of mirror regardless. And we as humans have likes and dislikes (something that is a major part of each of us individually), why wouldn't God have these also? Why wouldn't God at times feel depressed, angry, jealous (this is many references to this in the Bible), or happy? I mean, (being purely speculative here) perhaps the reason mankind was even conceived was because God was feeling creative and wanted to see what free willed creatures would do in our current setting, being faced with good and evil, truth and falsehood, and most of all choices. You must admit it has created some interesting personalities. In summation I believe from what I have studied that God, in a way, reacts to different situations as they come. After all, he is supposed to be an intelligent being, and a part of intelligence is analysis and decision making.

All that being said, I'm glad I was born, I'm glad I'm alive, and as messed up the world is at times (and I will no doubt eventually grow tired of it, which as luck will have it so will my body :lol: ), it's certainly and exciting place to live. I hope I articulated what I was thinking half-decently, reading over this post I feel I may have been a little scattered but I'm sick of typing right now. Peace :joint:


Well-Known Member
All I know is that everything I "know" about "God" comes from some dudes' interpretation of another dudes foreign writings based off of some older dudes foreign oral histories. In other words, the source is....suspect.

I don't know what "God" is, if e's' external in nature, internal, or whatever, but I love "His" work.

Except for deer ticks. FUCK those things.


A believer believes that God makes no mistakes and that He knows all.

Best example I can give atm is the bang theory, it could very well be what happened, but to a believer that would be God's work and planned, not an accident.
Something I would like to throw out is that though yes I do believe God is all powerful, I'm not so sure about the other statements. Though I believe God knows all in the sense of the present moment, the past and perhaps someones disposition to future actions, I'm not sure I agree with the common interpretation of God knowing your every future action. The reason being the story of Abraham being instructed to sacrifice his son Isaac as a test of faith. In Genesis 22:12 the verse reads, "Do not lay a hand on the boy,” he said. “Do not do anything to him. Now I know that you fear God, because you have not withheld from me your son, your only son.” The bold portion is what influences my view upon this (which if you consider the Bible invalid, this makes no difference to you). And in regard to God making no mistakes (I feel as if I'm treading a fine line in this next statement), I starkly remember a passage describing God's "repentance" in relation to the creation of man. Do I believe God is a perfect being? Yes. Do I believe God has no regrets? No. (this kind of ties in with my previous post)


All I know is that everything I "know" about "God" comes from some dudes' interpretation of another dudes foreign writings based off of some older dudes foreign oral histories. In other words, the source is....suspect.

I don't know what "God" is, if e's' external in nature, internal, or whatever, but I love "His" work.

Except for deer ticks. FUCK those things.
I completely identify with you here Wilksey. This same string of thought is why I have a hard time solidifying anything as "fact" in my mind.