I accidentally drank some nutrient water or water that had traces of nutrients in it

Better check your ph on your runoff

Lol i woke up one night so thirsty and grabbed the first cup closest to me that had something in it, and accidentally drank a cup of my girlfriend's contacts and contact solution (i was so thirsty) thought i was gonna die but I'm still here
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Better check your ph on your runoff

Lol i woke up one night so thirsty and grabbed the first cup closest to me that had something in it, and accidentally drank a cup of my girlfriend's contacts and contact solution (i was so thirsty) thought i was gonna die but I'm still here

And your shit saw better! Not that it enjoyed the view...
contact solution is just saline. it might have a very (very) mild detergent in it, but she puts them in her eyes without washing them, i think you'll survive