I Accidentally Cut Down One of the Colas! Please Help


as i wanted to LST i have cut down the main cola by mystake :(((
my plant was 10 days old in flowering time and now its to little to le it flower

can i switch back to 24/7 again ? without making more damage to the plant itself?
i whould like to let her grow back a lil bit...
one of my friends said to me that it will grow even if its in flowering mode but it just looks too little to me cuz the cut down cola was the main one :((

Question : Should i get back to 24/7 and let her grow back for another week or so, and give her a burst of nutes????

Or should i let her flower like this ?

Any recomandation/opinion is apreciated

best regs, hoi


Active Member
I'm not entirely sure, but depending on where this "main cola" is broken, it might just react as if it had been topped, turning the secondary growth sites into "main cola's". Also, its probably too late, but its possible to tape the stem back together if its not completely broken off. Sorry, that's all I got, if you post a picture I'm sure one of the guru's on the site will be able to help.



Active Member
Also, I dont know if it will grow another "main-cola". When you break the main stem off from the plant it re-directs its growth, as opposed to healing the wound and continuing to grow vertically. You can see this happening with my 2 topped plants, just click on the green link and you should be able to get a vague idea.


Up up Up

are there any other users who would like to post their thoughs??

should i continue flowering? or go back to vegging?
Give her a boost of grow nits or not ?



Well-Known Member
i would say go back to veg for a little while to make up for the lost yeild.
and next time that happends tape it back together like thecannibist said, it will heal itself.


Active Member
I did almost the same thing to my plant, and around the same time into flowering as you. I split her main stem as I was LSTing her and she twisted, basically topping herself. I was convinced she was going to die and took a couple of clones off the "top" to try saving some. She reacted very well to it and now has many "tops" that are full and look sugar-dipped! Don't freak out too much, these plants are pretty tough.

Try putting up some pictures if you could though, would help everyone out in helping you.


Well-Known Member
Leave it and chalk it up to experience. The plant will transfer the energy to the other branches and you will be fine. I would not go backward on this.


Well-Known Member
get a roll of electrical tape and a few popcicle sticks to keep on hand for the next time. You can reveg no sweat. Expect to give the plant another 10 to 14 days to convert back to veg mode. Weigh out the time invested. I would go ahead and flower,the remaining buds will really pick up the pace with all the added energy they will recieve. I think you'll be pleasantly suprised by the yield.


I realize that this thread is 5 years old, but it's still relevant. If you happen to break your main cola, being a plant that never been "Topped," is really not too big of a deal. Like some others have said, if you want to, you can tape/band-aid it, but you must do it Immediately. If it takes, you'll be fine; if not, you'll now have 2 new mains/colas instead of 1. (Two New growth tips will grow out where the one top was) If you'd rather clone it, Immediately put the stem in water until your ready to put it in a planting "Plug" or another type of medium. If you're using rooting gel, quickly apply to stem bottom. Try to keep the stem in water until you're ready to plant to avoid any air bubbles getting into the stem. As far as your light cycles & going back to veg stage, you should be ok. I think that you may be confused as to the light cycles though; what cycle is 24/7? There's only 24 hrs in a day so that's not even possible. In any case, 10 days into flowering isn't too far in to reverse; you may want to keep your lights on for 24 hrs for a few days to a week, then back to 18 on/6 off for veg until you're ready to switch back to flowering, which is 12 hrs on/12 hrs off. You also mentioned giving the plant "A burst of nutes" to help it grow. After being topped, a plant is much more sensitive to stress and will usually have slowed/stopped growth for a few days. Giving the plant More nutrients than usual is NOT a good idea because it's trying to create new, efficient pathways for those nutrients. You don't want to have nutrient burn on an already stressed plant, it may not make it. In every grow new problems may arise, and you'll learn something new each time. Try to enjoy the process because it can be very fulfilling.