I <3 teh blue wizard

Here I am. Minding my own damn business. And this younger idiot who didn't properly learn about the birds and bees. Who thinks you make babies in the butt. Talking shit. Ugh. Vaca over.
Lol you shouldn't get into a battle of wits unarmed brother.

Trust me I'm not the one you wanna fuck with bro.
Awe. U so bad ass.
Lol because I hit the nail on the head... Real talk
@sunni please change the title of this thread to the "in memory of Glenn Frey thread".

And let's all pay tribute to our lost brothers and sisters. Glenn Frey, Bowie, @yessica who trolled @Pinworm into a melt down. And as a tribute to @Gary Goodson 's self esteem after a lonely old congenium or whateva the fuck he said put a beat down on his soul. Thanks sweety.

I'll start it off with......
@sunni please change the title of this thread to the "in memory of Glenn Frey thread".

And let's all pay tribute to our lost brothers and sisters. Glenn Frey, Bowie, @yessica who trolled @Pinworm into a melt down. And as a tribute to @Gary Goodson 's self esteem after a lonely old congenium or whateva the fuck he said put a beat down on his soul. Thanks sweety.

I'll start it off with......
The other day you were mad, why are you so grumpy tonight?
so as you can see laws got called.. eventually homeboy gets his ass whooped by a few of em. at this point 4 cop suvs on the block. and hes on the ground, now they have to call ems for another car and ambulance, cause hes fucked up

but what im getting at, only these faggot(nothing against homosexuality) ass pigs have the capability to beat somebody, with their get right sticks. and then make fun of him while on the ground. saying ambulance arrived so he doesnt have to cry among other things......while thinking they are somehow doing their job properly upholding the law etc.
but getting off on this shit. lucky they not in some of my other neighborhoods.