Hyrdo setup, lights ? leaves ?

Hulk Nugs

Well-Known Member
I fallowed a set up i saw on how to make your hydro system and all the materials you would need. The guy told me for the clones and the sprouts all i would need is soft and warm white florecent light bulbs. Well been using them and its making them sprout and grow tall just not lots of leaves, i have seen plenty of pics on here at the same stage or younger and they look better then mine. I dont want to but i realy just want to start all over grrr so there perfect from day one. I had to take a rip to calmdown and now im just trying to make these sprouts work, is it possible??



Active Member
You should put your light closer 1 or to inches if it doesnt get to hot that will stop it from streching.


New Member
They look ok dude support them with some straws, cut straw to size (length) you need then cut up the straw to open it and wrap around the stem shove the straw into the rockwool do this very gently, a little tip is to wrap it round a pen or somthing 1st to open it wider than you need because its plastic it will close back over around the stem, the leaf crown will poke out the top and the stem will be supported and soon out grow the straw, easy eh ? i do this all the time, get your free straws from mcdonalds lift them and store for the future ok, and if you dont mind could you pick me up a big mac and fries and a large coke when you are there, thanks friend, best of luck to you, but they look fine.