Hygrometer advice


Active Member
So I'm going to order 4 hygrometers. Pretty sure I have my mind made up with calibur III off amazon. Any advice? Any better deals? Advice appreciated!! I want to make sure I have the smoothest cure possible.
I use those - the ones that fit inside a jar lid right? They are great and for me they have unlocked the secret to a good cure which is to let them hang for longer. Use a enclosed space (a grow tent works awesome) to hang for 10-14 days if you can. Then jar your buds...if the next day your meter goes higher than say 75% RH you've got to let them air dry for longer- takes about a week or 2 but you'll eventually get them down to 62%. Then you can use your Boveda packs to keep them stored at 62% without burping but the packs themselves do not cure; they are for maintaining proper moisture for long term storage
word thanks man I really appreciate the input. i ended up ordering the calber 4 hygrometers. they were the same price as caliber 3. i ordered 4 all together
Oh and don't forget to calibrate those hygrometers- get a small dish filled with salt & saturate with water until it is all sponged up- then put inside a ziplock bag & check readings next day- should say 75% -calibrate as needed & you are all set; youll need to recalibrate them again every so often
Thanks man. ? It says it has a manual calibrating setting but has already been calibrated.... do I need to use the manual setting?
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