hydrostore BULLSHIT

Jack Harer

Well-Known Member
ok guys you organic growers, how many of you ph??
ive been told by every single salesperson in a growstore that i need to ph my supersoil. they tell me im not maximixing my plants and if i phed i would have much better results, they also tell me about there nutrient regiments, which i dont believe one of em even grows. he said he uses a 14 bottle organics feeding regiment. now comeon if your growing organic keep it simple dumbass no need to reinvent the wheel, foliar for every little thing. you went organic to put mother nature back in charge, so why arent you doing that??

anyone ever get the feeling talking to someone that they are just some pretentious fuck that grows way "better" than anyone else? and then u think about it and it makes no sense? am i doin somthing wrong not phing my water?what do u guys think about a 14 bottle regiment? i think they get mad when i tell em i can do 3-4 runs in my tent for under 100$although i do give em nutes if they show it using non phed general organics. fuck bottles, supersoil all the way!!!
thoughts, questions, comments, trolls??
There's a lot of that going around. Not just at the Hydro shops.
No you aren't doing wrong, per se. pH is very stable in soil, much more so than in Hydro. I see a lot of people obsessing over pH, and I really don't think it's that crucial at all. Yet I DO own a pH pen, and use it periodically, just to check things out. Cation exchange is how plants take up minerals they need, and that is predicated by pH. pH is more stable in soil, as soil tends to buffer the pH with naturally occurring minerals like Ca. Soil less mixes do need to have a buffering agent added to stabilize the pH, usually lime. I see pH up and pH down being recommended all the time, but I rarely ever hear anyone tell someone to buffer. If you lower or raise pH without buffering, it will merely rebound to it's former value within a few hours.
I avoid Hydro Shops like the plague ever since this Chick (GOD she was HOT) told me that even tho I was growing in soil and using organic nutrients, I still needed to know my ppms!!! She did her job well, 'cuz I damn near bought a PPM meter. I might anyway, because I can't help but think that that kind of info can be useful.
Organic growing is very easy, inexpensive, forgiving and will yield KILLER bud in copious amounts! It can be as complicated as you want to make it. I tend to make it a bit more complicated because I wanna know all the whys and wherefores, and that helps ME to be a better gardener.


Well-Known Member
At first I PH'd my water/nute solution and checked my soil Ph, but after about the second feeding i stopped. My water is a 7ph and after adding my organic nutes, it drops to 6.5. My soil stays around 6.5-7ph pretty much always. So for me, No I don't ph anymore. Plant seems to be doing just fine. Id suggest Ph'ing tho if you don't know the levels of what your working with already.


Well-Known Member
Well, if you're running a living organic soil such as super soil then you shouldn't have to pH unless you're running really high pH well water (the microherd will do that for you). I run my own version of super soil, and I supplement that with General Organics as needed. I haven't touched a pH meter in years, and I put out top quality and yield well over 1gpw. I've also gone the other way, with way too many bottles of nutrients, supplements, voodoo dolls etc. To each their own, but you definitely don't need to get that complicated, as my finished product shows.


Active Member
ok.before their were seed banks,,I grew 9 footers .stems like the size of a baseball bat handle with rain water and Fish Emulsion and wood ashes during flowers.MIMIC NATURE. ALL THE OTHER SHIT IS UNNESSARY UNLESS YOUR INDOORS


Active Member
the one thing i've always noticed about growing cannabis, you can make it as simple or complicated as you like. You'll still get cannabis at the end though. I myself tend my plants for say 10 minutes once a week, but i try not to get stroppy at folk fiddling around with things every hour of every day, if that's what they do, well that's what they do, i'll not let it get in the way of what i do.
you got it right.