hydropontic help


Active Member
ive been looking around at systems and i really like the areoflo2 but the net cups are only 3"inches big so would that be to small for big plants or would that be alright?


Well-Known Member
I ran the aeroflo2 for a cycle. As long as u space them out i grew a few 3-4 footers in the before. There awesome because the roots get more oxygen then any other hydroponics set up can deliver. And the PH always seem to stay perfect 5.8 to my amazement. I had to change my set up to fill and drain because of space issue. Still got the aeroflo2 for sale :-D


Well-Known Member
It's alright if you want to grow smaller plants. Your turn around time on cycles will be quicker as well.

If you want to grow medium to big size plants, check out the General Hydroponics Waterfarm.
