Hydroponics PPM and nutrients


Well-Known Member
If someone could possibly help? I am a successful soil farmer and I am stepping out of my element by starting one in a DWC type hydroponic system. Currently I am using G.H. Flora series performance pack and changing water weekly (God Bud) is surviving pretty well. My question is, I ave been wondering on this PPM and EC thing. I haven't purchased a meter yet I'm in the process of buying, looking for the best bang for my dollar. When a given meter reads (just choosing numbers) while vegging, 500 PPM and my target is 800 PPM (H2O temp 68*) How do I know which nutrient is low or what to add? This part confuses me...

Thank you


70's natureboy

Well-Known Member
The meter won't tell you which nutes you are low on, just the overall strength of the mix. Until you get a meter I usually go about half the recommended strength of the GH stuff. I like the Floranova because it is one part and simple to mix.


Well-Known Member
Good info Natureboy!

As he points out. The ppm reading won't tell you nute measures. It will however, give an overall indication. I use GH Maxi and I know that when I add 1 tsp into my 5 gal DWC res, it increases the ppm by about 120. So for me 5 tsp's is 600ppm of nutes (my current target). On top of my 150 ppm Cal/Mag (r/o water). So my overall ppm is around 750 :weed:

As he also mentioned, go lightly until you see how your girls react. I too, use about 1/2 the recommended levels



Exactly what rold2tight said man. I basically just put the main base nutes in, measure PPM, add the next one etc and then adjust the pH. If you go to GH website they have a chart which was a huge help. Also an app on the iphone lol its pretty much a calc but only for GH. I had to read the bottle when using AN and kind of just trial and error. It's not that bad once you get the groove of things.


Active Member
Most nutrients act together...I use Floragrow nutes and they work in conjunction with each other. The plant itself is sure to tell you what nutes it is missing and needs during veg cycle. 800ppm is a little lower then what I do.. I start my seedlings at 800-1000ppm and raise it to 1600ppm during mid veg...never had nute burn and all worked out great (but guess it depends on our nutes)...most comapnies will supply info on their bottles...but make sure you lower it aprox 30% as to what they say..and adjust accordingly to reults.


Well-Known Member
Thank you for the comments, its starting to come together. However I have discovered another issue. While I was reading this


I discovered like issues. I'm glad to have only started one. I change my water weekly, Hummmm.
That's why I hate reading...LOL I sometimes read about some "problem", or other. And think, oh shit! My plants may have that issue too.....LOL Stay cool. Don't over scrutinize/analyze.
That's a big thread, you linked to. Not sure what "issues" you mean? A pic (or two) is worth a thousand words. Let the good folks here try to help. Ya gotta give em something to work with, however bongsmilie



Well-Known Member
That's why I hate reading...LOL I sometimes read about some "problem", or other. And think, oh shit! My plants may have that issue too.....LOL Stay cool. Don't over scrutinize/analyze.
That's a big thread, you linked to. Not sure what "issues" you mean? A pic (or two) is worth a thousand words. Let the good folks here try to help. Ya gotta give em something to work with, however bongsmilie


I thought the link would bring readers to the part I was reading. In short, my brother and I were arguing "G.H. flora series vs. Advanced nutes. Psycho line". (goggle searched) It brought me to the link I shared. The loser was G.H. because the roots turned brown. The had did an exact comparison on the two, so I checked mine and sure enough brown roots..


Well-Known Member
That's why I hate reading...LOL I sometimes read about some "problem", or other. And think, oh shit! My plants may have that issue too.....LOL Stay cool. Don't over scrutinize/analyze.
That's a big thread, you linked to. Not sure what "issues" you mean? A pic (or two) is worth a thousand words. Let the good folks here try to help. Ya gotta give em something to work with, however bongsmilie


Here are some pics
