Hydroponics Hut New 750 Grow Pro LED

Tomy Trichrome!!!!
Anybody remember a post that started like this....
Hi there,
Tommy Trichrome here, first time forum poster, but long time reader. By chance I came accross the Suncloak vertical LED lighting system as it was being developed in the same building in which I was employed. I have been amazed by the results and felt it neceassary share what I have learned. I have been in the cannabis industry for a while now

It was moved to advertising before being eventually deleted. It was eerily similar...
Tommy Trichlones Legit. His thread got me looking at the SunCloak. Now I own one! Loving it so far.
No worries no hard feelings, I'm completely open to everyone's point of view, I just need to see it through!..I'm interested in all that everyone has brought up and will do my best to cover every single base.
Shout out to Cannibascultur66. Not trying to jack your thread. Just wanna keep it going. I hope you're good n all's well. LMK if you want me to kick rocks?
GG's seem happy with the Hydropinics Hut X5-500. Just barely covers it's 4'x4' area & 32". So it's not a great spread but the plants reacting well to the spectrum & everything else.


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In case anyone was wondering, Hydroponics Hut Pro-Grow LEDs are total garbage. They work for veg but not at all for flower. The company sucks balls & their claims are all lies & deciept.
Fock HH!
DO NOT BUY - Beware- :(
I've been eying this light & others by this company for awhile. Thing is, through many attempts to contact them, when I finally did, they were very secretive of all tech. Info. Even PAR readings would not be given. No return messages or calls to my questions after that.
SO after all that you decided to buy the light!? What motivated you to do that after all the warning signs?