Hydroponics Evil?


Active Member
the first use of hydroponics was used in the hanging gardens of babylon, so is it possable that growing hydro could be evil, it is certainly unnature? just wondering and thinking here? how does every one feel and think about this?

Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
the first use of hydroponics was used in the hanging gardens of babylon, so is it possable that growing hydro could be evil, it is certainly unnature? just wondering and thinking here? how does every one feel and think about this?
Evil is a human invention. It's only evil if you want it to be evil.

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
And water plants were not around prior to this?... I think plants were growing in water before a record was made and a term given.

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
I think there are probably a few more than a handful of plants that grow naturally in water. You are now arguing the use of hydroponics, not it's function.

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
What do you mean is it right? It is natural. From that stance we can now question whether fish living in fresh water is "right" or whether goats living in rocky mountains is right. Plants grow in water, i fail to see the issue or where any possbile issue with this could arise from for it to be pondered as not right.


Well-Known Member
The Babylon which is written about in the New Testament is not the same Babylon that had hanging gardens. That Babylon was already in ruins by the time the New Testament was written.

As far as Hydroponics being evil, I'd have to agree with Carne Seca here. There is no such thing as "good" and "evil".

Hydroponics is not natural, but neither is using mulch, watering any time other than rain, growing in a greenhouse, or feeding nutrients to a plant.
I like my aeroponic garden. The lettuce is great. The tomatoes are awesome. The peppers are delicious and the Buds are sweet and tasty. All on the same system!


Active Member
Que? It's just another way to do the same thing. Even human technology I view as nature unless you're one of the seemingly majority that believe humans are not part of this world and are not from earth or that monkeys and birds using sticks and rocks as tools is not natural.


Well-Known Member
true but there only a handful of plants that grow like naturally
Umm Have you ever heard of swamps?

Thousands of plant species and trees grow with the root system fully submerged in water.

Its not "evil", its smart to grow hydroponically because plants are given the maximum amount of water, nutrients anf oxygen that they can uptake at any given time.

God gave us a brain so we can use it to make the best of the raw materials here on earth.



Well-Known Member
Nope not evil. Im sure you can smoke your dro without threat of eternal damnation. lol.

If good and evil are concepts and inventions of man, that would still mean they exist. We just created them. I mean in our day to day lives we live our lives off of the fact that it exists...sorry i tend to ponder things to deeply. :)
There is no "evil" here:fire: Your seeds only grew because you brought them to life. Soil or hydro, as long as they look happy, they are happy. Though there is something nice about using soil, going organic n that. Or maybe that's called smug. Whatever, peace out :joint:


Well-Known Member
I don't doubt for a second if cannabis was growing naturally and the land turned to swamp it would survive, no thrive on it's own in a wet environment. It would adapt.
That would take more than a few generations. Only if the land changed slowly over hundreds of years would this be the case


Active Member
the first use of hydroponics was used in the hanging gardens of babylon, so is it possable that growing hydro could be evil, it is certainly unnature? just wondering and thinking here? how does every one feel and think about this?
No the aztecs were working with hydroponics and although some people thought they were actually (EVIL) or the spanish did lol.
Spanish did not have the counciousness at that time of looking at things in other prespectives instead of just left and right black and white.

Both spain and mesoamerica braught good knowledge neither one is evil or good.


Well-Known Member
Hydroponics offers a way to feed a world which faces starvation. Hydro generally takes half the space and produces more product. Hydro offers us a way to grow in space without having to carry dirt up there. Hydroponics is simply a method; "evil" implies intent.


Well-Known Member
Hydroponics offers a way to feed a world which faces starvation. Hydro generally takes half the space and produces more product. Hydro offers us a way to grow in space without having to carry dirt up there. Hydroponics is simply a method; "evil" implies intent.
I don't know if I always agree with the last statement - What if your intent is to grow medical cannabis for patients who need it but your method is by using slave labor?


Well-Known Member
I don't know if I always agree with the last statement - What if your intent is to grow medical cannabis for patients who need it but your method is by using slave labor?
I suppose I should have defined 'method'. In my mind, there are only so many methods that can be used to grow: hydro, aero, soil, ect. Slave labor is a means to an end, but not a growing method. The slaves would still have to implement a style of growing. The thread is about if hydroponics as a concept and practice is in and of itself evil. So wouldn't the question be, is slave labor any less evil if the slaves grow naturally in dirt as opposed to hydroponically?