Hydroponic Root Socks?


OK…. My bright idea was to veg 14 plants in one 27gal. bucket for a month, then transplant into 7 RDWC buckets with two plants each…..Save some cash on electricity during veg was my thought…..

Problem (if it is a problem at all)

This worked fairly well with 8 plants. Now with 14 I am getting a huge mass of tangled roots and I am less than two weeks in. Plants are now in 3in net pots and I will transplant into 6in net pots. Should I not worry and just trim roots as needed when I go to 6in pots? Is there such a thing as “root socks” to keep roots separated in the same pot? I could not find anything on an internet search…..


Well-Known Member
I have seen mesh root bags at the hydro store and thought about doing something similar to keep roots out of the drain, but ultimately decided against it. In order to be effective, they have to be a tight mesh, and I wanted to make sure there was free water flow through the roots, not just mostly going around the bag.

So yes, they exist, but I can't tell you how they perform.

Also, I would try to keep the plants in the same net pot from start to finish. Trimming roots to up-can a net pot will lengthen your veg time. Chances are pretty good your stems won't outgrow 3". Even in a larger pot, you'll probably still have to add support to keep the branches up by the time you are done.

Ohhh wait, do you have 2 plants per net pot? If so, that's just crazy. =)


LOL.... No, not two plants per Net Pot.

14 clone Veg Bucket…..

Ready to transplant after 28days….

RDWC System, 2 plants per bucket....
