Hydroponic media for flood & drain

Al B. Fuct

once had a dog named
That's right- they need 'evidence of drug activity' to get a warrant. That COULD be a snitch, but the standard is usually higher than such hearsay. Revenge dobs are very common and (sane) judges normally discount that sort of info.


Well-Known Member
hey al while yur here! what do yu think of tire mulch as a medium for hydro. Opinions on dwc, ebb and flo, wud be nice!


Well-Known Member
I got a visit once for nothing but power usage. This is not uncommon... But getting a warrant on power alone is. It was in san diego tho, probably the most unfriendly weed area in all of ca....

Al B. Fuct

once had a dog named
If you got a knock-n-talk for power consumption, someone gave your billing data to the cops. There's privacy laws that cover your power utility and any other companies you deal with. If your pwr co gave the information to the cops without a warrant, you should have done them for violations of privacy. It'd certainly have been worth a few g's plus your costs.

You're quite right- a warrant on power use alone would never happen, and in the same vein, any police contact on bases that wouldn't attract a warrant is inappropriate. You do have the right to be unmolested by police unless they have probable cause to believe you are suspected of a crime. A high power bill AIN'T 'probable cause' because the kWh figures alone do not specifically identify what the power was used for.

Now, a high power bill AND someone getting busted walking out of your house with a bag of buds- and they MAY have probable cause, but the 'evidence of drug activity' will have to come first so the cops can subpoena the pwr co for your power use history, unless of course they have trawled your rubbish or paper recycling and you were silly enough not to shred your bill- or someone near and dear to you leaked it to them.


Well-Known Member
K&T on power usage isn't uncommon... You hear about tomato growers using high power... There was a pretty high profile one that happened in canada recently... This was not a grow house, the one that happened to me. Just a normal power bill, for a large house. No drugs, no activity. Either the police have an inside source, the power co squilled, or perhaps a bogus tip? I don't know. It was a long time ago.

Al B. Fuct

once had a dog named
SOMEBODY squealed. The cops can't just phone up your power company and ask for power billing histories. There's a process for getting that data, and it's formal. If they came by the data through an informal means, the evidence alone may be questionable and perhaps inadmissible.