Yeah damn the difference is huge. Gonna keep them pretty small then. Didn't know the res needs to be changed so often, I guess at least twice every two weeks should be the minimum then. Any tips on what to cut the holes with? It seems like my only option would be a 50€ saw and I really wouldn't want to spend that much. Thanks for all the info btw!Some kind of reference for ya.
It you try to grow 2 plants in there you're most likely going to end up with 1 dead plant and a dominant plant or end up with 2 mediocre plants that compete with each other for space. lll attach a photo of 2 week old plants and a picture of plants in flower that were vegged for 5 weeks in hydro
Holes in the cupboard for the fan.Holes for your netpots?
I'm considering doing only 1 but it's a shame my hydro setup is for 2 so it limits the space doing only 1 or do u think I could train it and maximize the space?I agree. My small space was great for one plant. Decided to try two plants and the faster growing one got most light and they were smooshed together causing the middles to be unhealthy. Ended up getting more weight with one plant over two.
If you have never grown, growing one plant will be better to learn. It is surprising how big a plant can get, even the smallest of the autoflower strains. Although you should just do whatever you want. It really is the best way to learn, then you can see what works and what doesn't.I'm considering doing only 1 but it's a shame my hydro setup is for 2 so it limits the space doing only 1 or do u think I could train it and maximize the space?
Holes in the cupboard for the fan.
I'm considering doing only 1 but it's a shame my hydro setup is for 2 so it limits the space doing only 1 or do u think I could train it and maximize the space?