HydroHut Ebb n Flow tons of pics



sounds good but, you should have waited for that seed to sprout before putting it into the system.

rockwool dries out about as fast as soil does. so it shouldnt be drying out.

i usually have my seedlings under a light cycle from the second i put the germinated seed in the cube.


Well-Known Member
i havent put them in the system yet, that was just a test run i have them in a humidity dome. How long do you think i should wait before i put them under lights.

I heard once they sprout then you throw them under


flooding with oxygenated water should not pose a problem, even without airstone, the water is only there for a certain amount of time, right?

that humid setup looks ok.. but what are the temps in there? seedlings like it a lil warm, 75-80 degrees.

and as i said i put my lights on them right after i put the seed into the cube, before it even emerges. i usually put on 24 hour, when they sprout i drop to 18/6.


Well-Known Member
yeah but you said to wait until they pop to put in the system should i just run my mh conversion bulb on them right now>?


some type of floro would be best. i guess you could use that, just keep it farther away. if it's too much trouble, i guess you can wait. just telling you how i've done it with success.


Well-Known Member
im just gonna let them hang in the dome overnight in a dark area and see what happens i dont want to put lights on them until i see a sprout


Well-Known Member
Ok guys i really need advice i have 10 gal is the res i have the timer set for 3 times a day my tray floods for 20 min thats the min i cant get the timer to do it in like 10 min only 20 then it shuts off i have the pics of how far the water comes up to the rockwool

Will i be ok flooding for 20 min 3 times a day i moved the seeds and put one floro on them to keep the humidity high its the second day and still no sprout yet i really would love some advice on the flooding




honestly, i would get a 15 minute timer, i do think your table is flooing a bit high, i think it would still work but i would get a 15 mniute pump for sure.


Well-Known Member
wait so i bought the wrong timer whats the difference where can i get a 15 min timer from home depot? Thanks for the advice man the seedlings still havent popped thier heads yet i hope they are ok


wait so i bought the wrong timer whats the difference where can i get a 15 min timer from home depot? Thanks for the advice man the seedlings still havent popped thier heads yet i hope they are ok
actually, i buy my 15 minute pin timers from CVS pharmacy, in the electronics/lightbulb section.


Active Member
i was thinking about getting a HydroHut and a aero-flow system. how is the HydroHut does it keep the light from leaking out.


Well-Known Member
yes my friend these huts are unreal it was very easy to put together no rips and totally light proof im gonna go check out them timers and tell you how i made out i really love all the help. This really is cool i hope everything runs smoothly.

Ok here are some pics it is the third day and im starting to get signs of life im havin trouble with the cam will attach pics tonight


Well-Known Member
Ok i have 10 gallons in my res with the air stones running i had the ph to 5.5 and each day i check it it goes to about 6.2 Why does it keep spiking after i put ph down in it will it level off at sometime?


Well-Known Member
ok i have a huge question and no one is answering my seedlings are growing big and i dont want them to stretch should i transfer them into the 4 inch rockwool cubes and put the mh light on them or is it to early yet? here r some pics

