

Active Member
dude hydrocodones are the shit man i got some when i got my wisdom teeth pulled i saved them up till there was no more pain and popped 8 of the same kind you got i was fucked up man for like 4 hours it was pretty cool its like being really high cause you get paranoid are hear shit but id say you could sell them for maybe like 1--3 dollars apiece just depends you know and if you want to take them dont snort them it burns like a bitch. if your gonna pop some you should look up "cold water extraction" this is what i did it works really good and doesnt fuck up your liver any questions send me a msg bra


Active Member
I skipped the first few pages because everyone seems to be a dick.
So, to answer your question, what you have should be vicodin. 5 mg of hydrocodone, and 500 mg of acephetamine. They typically sell about 2-3 dollars for a pill, but it can be a terrible addiction, which sucks. I just got over mine and I'm glad I did. My face got terrible, I was always shaking and itching, and occasionally throwing up. It's fun for a while, especially taking them then getting blazed, but it gets old and useless after time.


Well-Known Member
5mg hydrocodone 500 mg acetamenophane (like tylenol and bad for your liver) you need to eat a bunch of 5s or i do hehe you m,ight only need liek 3-4 i wont eat 5s cuz i would need 40 opr so


Well-Known Member
i am a dictionary of prescription medication. the 500/5 means 500mg acetaminophen and 5mg hydrocodone. if you have never takin hydrocodone before id start with like 2 or 3 of them, wait an hour and if your not that buzzed take one or two more.
Boy u better be careful what you say on here. Mentioning you would sell the pills be careful. There are now hundreds if not thousands of people on the internet that are arrested making comments like that. BE CAREFUL.


Active Member
Im just ganna hop on the hate wagon and say watsons arent even worth taking. Too low of a dosage so you'll probably be popping 8 at once just to get high, not to mention the havoc your liver is going to be getting since your popping that many. PLUS you arent going to sell that shit, as nobody wants 5/500, especially at 3$ a pop, I guess here in Hawaii the pill scene isnt that big, so I get yellows for $3 a pill. Anyway just take them for actuall pain and not to get high.


Well-Known Member
the guy is just tryin to get some info?

i think these are vicodin? 500's
i know 750's (extra strength or ES) go for 4-5 bucks around my way, and it isn't always a junkie buyin pills, before i got insurance i hadn't been to a doc for 10 years and did need to keep some shit around for my back, mainly flexeril (now that i go to a doc, i qualify for percocet, which i rarely take)


Well-Known Member
Son, do what the man said and throw them away. You DO NOT know what you are getting yourself into, and that is very clear. do not sell or distribute. You can not handle the consequences. Now run along!
i got prescribed hydrocodones they are white oval shape pills and they say watson 349 on them it says there 500 mg 5mg what does that mean? how many mg's of it is hydrocodone? and about how many would it take to fuck you up? can they be snorted? what is the high like? and about how much could i sell each for? because i dont really need as many as i got for my broken foot.


Well-Known Member
yea and if po po snatches you up you'll be looking at 5-7 years, if you tell them that you are guilty and really really sorry the DA might reduce it to 2 years. Oh yea, judging by how much you put your business out there you are probably a RAT by nature, so you will probably just tell on your connect and do no time. There are no real dealers anymore, just kids pretending, and when they get caught they all squeal like little pigs. Fuck outta here.
did you just say selling pills is shit? you must have been getting taxed out the ass. i can get 100 750s for 2.50 a pill and could sell them 4 bucks each all day in bulk EASY, thats already 150 bucks and people buy 10-20 at a time.