

Active Member
Ive been growing with dirt for the last 3 of 5 years. I switched up with hydro two years ago and stopped growing for about 9 months. Just started up a grow room with a ebb and flow hydro setup yet seem to have nutrient burn all ready. Whats the best way of saving my plants and bringing them back the correct way?


Active Member
ph is 5.8 and i actually diluted the solution 50% with fresh water. Figured out that i might have transplanted a little too soon. Think not only do the plants have a little bit of nutrient burn but i think i shocked them too. All around not good. But great idea with just giving them straight water for the next few days.


Well-Known Member
With a ebb&flow, not sure if just water is the answer. Roots are in basically air 95% of the time; not in a nute'd solution/media. 1/8-1/4 ppm might work.

just my 2 pence.