hydro vs soil


New Member
i have never grown hydro and was wandering some goods and bads and if anyone done both and could tell me there expierence. what one is better thatn the other and why? any pictures would be sweet. thanks any good reply +rep


Well-Known Member
Hydro is cheaper in the long run (no soil to buy) and reusuable, but initial start up cost is higher than soil growing. Check out the Hydro forum and check out their grows for yourself.


Well-Known Member
Hydro, one heck of alot cheaper in the long run. You can also look it up on google to see what systems are out there as well.

Ian Singerdale

Well-Known Member
I prefer soil. in my opinion

- bud from soil tastes better
- bud from soil smells better
- mistakes are easier to fix
- one small error in measuring nutes won't kill all your plants in two hours
- No fucking water, tubing, leaks etc to deal with. No explaining to roommates / neighbors high volumes of filtered water purchases
- no algae to deal with
- easier to maintain or leave soil on vacation
- soil IS re-usable if you compost, and you can get a monster plant in just a 3 gallon pot which is not that much soil. And dirt is actually free if you have good soil around you
- Water + electricity + hot lights = problems waiting to happen
- much cheaper to start up

god made dirt and dirt don't hurt


Well-Known Member
Hydro is cheaper, faster, and easier to use. Plants spend way more time vegging in soil then they do in hydro. Fruiting times are generally the same though. Both yield excellent quality if done properly.


Well-Known Member
once u go hydro u will not go back. alot faster growth!

but i dont belive hydro is cheaper i think the prices are close tho, i go thru that much nutrient solution by emptying my res every 9 days.

also Lan Singerdale hydro is easyer to correct if uget a problem lol. for example if i see a nitrogen or magnesium difficency all i have to do is dump the resevior and remake a batch with more nitro or mag.and also if your in soil and you accidently add to many nutes u have to flush like hell.....with hyrdo u just dump the res :)


Well-Known Member
I've read journals where people were growing soil and hydro and said their soil plants in Air pots were growing as fast or faster than their hydro plants. One plus side to soil is you get more micro life to keep your plant happy and good micro life can help you grow better and possibly as fast/faster than hydro

Ian Singerdale

Well-Known Member
yeah no I definitely agree with that; however say you are out of the house for a night and can't get back for another day for some reason. Say you made that mistake with your nutes right before you left home. ALL your plants would be dead when you got back vs. an easy flush with soil, that takes longer for the damage to appear and you can fix as soon as it appears. There are tradeoffs for sure. I still say bud grown in soil tastes and smells better. I find it much easier to deal with. Maybe others don't. that's cool :)