Hydro Transplant question


Well-Known Member
Alright im posting this for a buddy He wants me to ask...
The guy at the hydro store gave him these pucks that you pop the seed in and they expand with moisture... here a pic of what im talking about... They used to be like 1 inch thick now tehre like 3-4 inches thick...

Now question When he putsthese into the hydro setup does he put the whole puck in it? or he have to cut the saks open and expose the roots?


Well-Known Member
What type of hydro setup are you talking about first of all? Some work best with bare rooted clones (that peat pellet stuff all washed off) and some you can just use that as is and plop it right on top of your other media.


Well-Known Member
its a kit that the hydro guy ordered in... 12 plant Setup with upgraded bubble pump with 2 lines... What do you need to know about it for a better understanding...


Well-Known Member
Bubble setup means it's probably a system that also uses some sort of media like hydroton or lava if that's the case you just leave them as is and stick them in the lava or hydroton. Either way will work so if you'd prefer to clean the roots off, if you find that stuff is making a mess, it's up to you.


Well-Known Member
yea sorry i t is a bubble setup ... It uses hydroton the red balls...Ye i guess ill just leave them in that sac..