hydro to soil


Well-Known Member
I started my outdoor crop this afternoon. Then I headed to my growroom. As I looked over my plants in the growroom(all are hydro) I was thinking of moving one or two to soil. The plants are still pretty small one is abnout 4 inches and the other is about 6 inches. The roots are about 6 inches as well. I think I can still get them out of the nets relativiley ok with minimum root damage if any. The roots dont look to tangled. Clearly I will be leaving them in their rockwool. My question is do plants generally do ok on this type of move or are they very prone to shock? Is there any certain precautions to take?


Well-Known Member
my question is why? hydro grows so much faster than soil..there will be shock regardless... what people do is cut the roots until thy're about 1-2inches long so the roots can expand around the dirt...hope this helps


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the reply. The reason I want to do this is cause I am running outta room in my growroom and I want to get more outside. Hydro is time consuming and I just dont have the time I need to look after more and more plants. I keep extremly detailed logs of everything that I do to my hydro and take multiple readings everyday. And since I dont feel I can do it right with more hydro I want to get them in the soil and outdoors. Oh and of course to grow em big. 2 down a shit load more to go.



Well-Known Member
ive never noticed much of a shock putting them into dirt. you could plant the whole net pot if you wanted to