Hydro: Should added water have nutes?

So I'm supposed to change the water in my grow boxes every 2 weeks, I get that, but when I replenish the water in the boxes (pretty much every other day), should I be having nutes in the new added water, and if so, at what strength should I add the nutes? Thanks!!


Well-Known Member
Is this DWC? If so I change the water every 7-10 days, I suspect that 14 will be OK. Most DWC growers just add pH water to top off. Hope this helps, good luck.


Well-Known Member
i add nutes. every gallon i add is pre-mixed with ph balanced nutes. usually when it uses the water down to a point they show signs of nute def.
Shit, great, now I've heard answers both ways. Can someone who's convinced that he/she is right please come in here and verify this one way or another?


Well-Known Member
I have done both and both will work. Just water is a little safer, the thinking is, as I understand it that the plants will consume the water faster than the nutes. Don't sweat this too much, as I said I have done both and both will work.


Active Member
Very true, its your call on it, i would go ahead and add just a tiny bit of nutes if you are adding lets say 1 gallon from what your plant has already eaten, wont hurt it to add about 1-2 tsp in that gallon, should be fine.


Both will work, as I have tried both methods. Personally I just add PH adjusted water to my res and I change out my res every 5 days. But that's just me, I think it saves me a little bit of money on Nutes. I guess the proper way to do it is get a TDS / EC meter and measure how strong your res before you do any watering and then measure it again before you add more nute water and then add it to your res accordingly