Hydro ScrOG thoughts

Hey all, not sure if this is the right place but there seemed to be many different sub-forums it could have gone under. Basically, I'll be taking my first crack at both ScrOG and Hydro this fall, starting about two weeks from now. I've done a ton of reading and researching but opinions seem to be all over the place, I'm looking for your guys experience or individual experiences concentrated in one place that may be able to help me out. For the Hydro I'm pretty much set, going to do a simple ebb & flow. If anyone thinks I should be using another method I'm open to it, it just seems simple and doesn't require a lot of upkeep (read: watering my potted plants last year sucked). The ScrOG is where my real questions surface. I live in one of those great states where it's legalized medicinally, if I work solo I can have 6 plants, 3 vegging and 3 flowering. I would create two side by side but separate rooms, say 3x3 each. I would set my plants in a row, giving a 3x1 (1 sq. ft. for each plant) and leaving me two feet of space in the front that I can use to access the base. I don't have any particular strain I want to grow, so for my first two cycles I will get a different strain for each plant, resulting in testing 6 plants to see which is best suited for the method/ which I like best. I plan to set the screen 9 in. above medium level. Now for the questions. How long should I veg before flowering? It's clearly going to be different for every plant, but some places say as soon as I start training, others recommend 50-75% of the screen filled. As for lights, I'm planning on going full-spectrum LED to cut on energy costs and circumvent having to vent the heated air outside (it may be legal but I live directly next to my landlords and I'm not sure they would like this). So how does a LED wattage related to to, say, a HPS? Any recommendations for what I should go with, keeping in mind each light is only providing for 3 plants? I've also seen a couple of "quick guides" people post for how high the lights should be suspended above the screen, again, anyone have experience with LEDs? I think that's it for now, I'll post back if I come up with any more questions. I appreciate your time in advance, keep your eyes peeled for a full grow journal starting soon :)
EDIT: Also, about how long would each stage take with this configuration? Again, just rough estimates, I've heard with LEDs its more beneficial to have your light red or blue heavy depending on the stages, ideally I would buy one of each and be able to switch the lights back and forth between the two rooms between stages/cycles
EDIT 2: After glancing around a bit more, I'm starting to have some questions on my hydro setup as well. I plan on using hydroton as a medium, but does anyone have any experience with transplanting clones from soil to hydroton? I've seen some people that just stick the rootball in and let it ride, some people wash the dirt from the roots and put it in a net pot, still others just put the cleaned roots into their final pot and fill in enough to keep it sturdy. Any thoughts? Also, how high do I want the relative heights of my system. I clearly need the pot's rims to be above the rim of the flood tray, but what about the height of the medium? How deep should I flood the tray? Thanks again