Hydro Plant Sick...

Hello All, Ive got 10 Afgoo in DWC hydro, and have been having Issues with the leaves. THe plants themselves are looking incredible but im worried, so ill attach pictures. It looks to extreme to be a Nitrogen deficiency, but im thinking either, Zinc or calcium.. I try to keep PH between 5.8-6.2 best I can...every day its high so its frustrating... Plz help save my baby girls..


sry for duplicate images
Ok, so if its magnesium, is it not available? or shld i add calmag? my ppm of tap is 65, and my feeding PPM is 1500, ive worked them up there, so there not burned...i try to keep ph at 5.8 but every morning its 6.4..feeding Cutting edge micro A and bloom B


Well-Known Member
Okay, the tap water definitely isn't a problem. 1500ppm is a bit high, but usually doesn't cause nute burn like that. I'd lower it to about 1200ppm and then to 1000ppm when it's not stretching anymore.

Is a white powder forming at the bottom of the tank when you clean it? Does the water come out transparent or is it milky white? The pH down you're using could be pulling out phosphates and precipitating out with calcium if pH is raising that fast.


Well-Known Member
In my experience, your tap water ppm is low enough that you should be adding Cal/Mag to your nute regimen. I use a 3-part basic AN micro/grow/bloom, and with a tap water ppm of 130 my girls had a mag deficiency, and nothing else.

Also, what are the temps in your tent?

And finally, your ppms seem high for hydro. Max out at 800 or so and your plants will do great. Regarding the ph...yeah, sometimes mine swing like that, too, but then they'll go through a phase where it doesn't budge for a week. Just keep testing and adjusting.


New Member
Your feeding way too hot by the looks of them nasty leaves. Clean out your res and drop your ppm by at least a 100 or so.


Well-Known Member
I agree with Sir Ganga...time to clean out the res and start with some fresh water, with lower nutes (800ppm) and some cal/mag, properly ph'd. If you want to do a real flush, 12-24 hours with Florakleen will give your plant a virgin environment.
Ya I know 1500 is up there, but this is my 3rd grow with this and ive always kept it there with no problems or deficiencies before./..but as theres something obviously wrong, ill be taking yalls advice and flushing and adding calmag and lowering PPM
And thx BirdMcbride... thats exactly the help I needed...Everyone had problems sometimes... and i highly doubt that im the only one running hydro in a Nice tent, with a nice, 600cooltube, with a nice filter/exhaust, with nice humboldt clones... so thanks tho