hydro list


Well-Known Member
not really man. ud be suprised,most people ive seen on here grow cheap. they dont take the proper measures to bang out a badass crop. most potheads on here are only trying for 1-2 plants with cfl light bulbs. nothing compared to a 10x10 room full of hps's and fucking massive donkey dick colas everywhere. they dont want to fork over the cash to do it cause they want to still have money to buy pot. i say stop smokin for 3 months and then have the most bomb ass shit around that u knew u grew and hasnt gone through 100's of dealers hands to get to you. Then just get fucking stuper blazed for months off your crop while u have another one goin. thats my 2 cents on that issue.


Active Member
i'll have to agree i mean i paid about 3Gs for everything that includes my ebb in flow set up and my dwc set up with all the nuts the mini hydrohut was $400 and watching my cheap ass dwc set up working like a champ im kicking myself in the ass
im glad my best bud paid for everything it was his idea were doing it big though fuck 2 3 plants got a clone room AKA my closet that holds the dwc set up got like about 13 in the hydro hut and 12 clones im my closet



Well-Known Member
Hey guys nice info so fair-
I'm growing in soil because I'm new to growing. I'm on my 1st grow just about done. I was really thinking of going to hydro but I want to get every thing else dialed in first.

I have a 600w dig hps/mh system a few os.fans and a exhause fan 95cfm.

This is what I would love to do-
Have a cycle every 2-3 weeks going in and coming out. I have seen this in a few threads but I don't the type of space that they are using.
The space I have is 6' wide 2.5' wide and 5' high. its like a rectangle space- This will be the flowering space.

So what would be the best way to get the best results-



Well-Known Member
I agree vv. sounds like they can compare to hps and when in a large growroom, there is alot of money to be saved on the power bill.


Well-Known Member
Man, I dont wanna be a Buzz kill, but if it's your FIRSt grow ever, I'd start that first crop off small~ gain the experience~ then go balls to the wall, if that first crop came out fine. If you have some bros' that are pros' to help...then let yer freak flag fly and go for it!!
JMHO~ Also youre gonna need Ph meter, ppm meter, ph up and down, mylar....geez the list can grow faster than the dro!
If you are resourseful, and good w/your hands, you can make most of it yourself, probably cutting shipping and "factory" product costs in 1/2 Your main expenses will be lights and good meters, most of the rest can be aquired at your local home improvement stores. It all depends on your budget. And get a good notepad!!!! Take temp readings, res readings, and NOTe them down!!! keep track of everylittle detail, and keep those notes where NO ONE can get em!


Active Member
If you have money to blow, look into expensive high end LEDS. Not the crap people are using on the net. Good LEDS are arguably the best and least expensive lighting. If you can come into contact direct with an LED manufacturer it could pay off in the end. LED's are the future.

I also wouldn't knock CFL's. They fill the gap for growers looking for personal use. Growing four plants can yield more then growing 10. It just depends on how you take care of them, and the size you want them to grow.

munch box

Well-Known Member
start with clones are so much better. Female clones have a pre-determined sex, after only a couple weeks you can start to flower a clone right away , as appose to a seed which can take a month just to find out the sex of the plant. With seeds you run the risk of growing male plants, which of course is also no good for obvious reasons. go with clones, if you can get em at a decent price that is. I am a california prop 215 medicinal patient, and i can pick up clones for no more than $10 each from the cannibus club down the street. I've heard of people paying that much for crappy seeds over the internet. Find out your options and pick your strain carefully. try afghan is a high yield, good bud, and easy for beginers.